I sent my essay to my english professor.
Đąŋíêł says:
He's EXTREMELY liberal by the way, and from Germany. it's quite amusing.
Cathy says:
I bet!
Cathy says:
Did you tell him your Dad's going to Landstuhl?
Đąŋíêł says:
because English is a second language to him he does not find English swearing offensive
Cathy says:
Đąŋíêł says:
in fact -- no, but i shall -- he finds it amusing and creative
Đąŋíêł says:
on his office door (this is the really amusing part) he has a huge poster of george bush and dick cheney and all that, and instead of "Brokeback Mountain" (the original movie poster) it says "Dumbfuck Mountain". it's his new favorite word.
Đąŋíêł says:
Cathy says:
oh brother... What a shame he has no clue as to what poor taste that is ... Or maybe he wouldn't care anyway ...
Đąŋíêł says:
no, he said he would be offended in german. it's weird, anthony is the same way; swears all the time in english, but tells me he would never swear in French. he says english is "a swearing language"
Cathy says:
How funny and silly, all at the same time!
Đąŋíêł says:
i know
Đąŋíêł says:
he passed around the report the Department of Justice attorneys wrote about Bush's wiretapping spying invasion of privacy terrorist-stopping whatever it was.
Đąŋíêł says:
he forgot that he had written in the margins of it (he gets into whatever he reads, and comments about it)
Đąŋíêł says:
all throughout it there were comments like "NOT the issue, you DUMBFUCK", "that's a lie", " shithead"
Đąŋíêł says:
he apologized inc lass today and asked if anyone was offended
Đąŋíêł says:
no one apparently was
Cathy says:
Đąŋíêł says:
so he explained how english swear words weren't offensive to him, and that when someone throws a string of them together at him, he goes, "oh, well that's nice, that's creative..."
Đąŋíêł says:
so i raised my hand and asked, "So you wouldn't mind if I called you a dumbfuck?"
Đąŋíêł says:
and the entire class laughed XD
Cathy says:
Cathy says:
Đąŋíêł says:
and he said "No, but I would in return call you a supercilious cocksucker. And, you know, there's really no response you can possibly make against that"
Đąŋíêł says:
he's really funny XD