I am deeply disappointed by
"Gay marriage bill signed into law in New Hampshire" from the Associated Press. A few notes:
Cheers from the gallery greeted the key vote in the House, which passed it 198-176. Surrounded by gay marriage supporters, Lynch signed the bill about an hour later.
In mentioning the reaction of supporters and omitting the reaction of opponents, the article depicts the situation from a supportive slant, demonstrating their bias.
"Today, we are standing up for the liberties of same-sex couples by making clear that they will receive the same rights, responsibilities - and respect - under New Hampshire law," Lynch said.
Putting aside the nonsense of this quotation, it is directly contradicted later in the article:
It also clarified that church-related organizations that serve charitable or educational purposes are exempt from having to provide insurance and other benefits to same-sex spouses of employees.
Will Christian adoption agencies be forced to close now in New Hampshire, also? (
Legislation is closing down Christian charities all over the place by requiring them to do evil.)
The law will establish civil and religious marriage licenses and allow each party to the marriage to be identified as bride, groom or spouse.
Utterly absurd, the words 'bride' and 'groom' are stripped of any meaning whatsoever; both men may refer to each other as bride? Cotton balls stuffed in a bra so the dress will fit?
This legislation is hurting our society: Human sexuality and physiology are being denied, confused and harmed; children are being mistreated and forced into terrible situations; the truth of our bodies -- as well as many other truths -- which brings us closer to God, is being buried behind this confusion. Marriage, the foundational glue binding families together -- which holds society together -- is being torn apart, to mean nothing other than property contracts and adult selfishness.
Equally frustrating is the entire argument presented by homosexual activists; it is entirely based upon illusion and fantasy. This fight is not about respect, nor is it about being "recognized as a whole person" or whatever imaginary discriminatory pretense one can depict. Marriage has nothing to do with respect for a person or unjust discrimination against a person.
I'm upset, and I'm afraid to post any of this, because I know it will anger people and I'll be yelled at. I have the idea that I should wait and rephrase things -- since this is basically a rant -- but people have ranted worse about less, and I'm not forcing you to read it, so thank you.