my dreams last night

Jan 15, 2009 07:33

I had a pretty cool dream last night. A new semester at MTSU had just begun, that is, I dreamt about today.

A few summaries:

1. Physics classes were really cool, investigating new ground; not your basic Newtonian physics, but rather state-of-the-art type stuff. All the teachers were showed up for Dr. Montemayor's first lecture, which was really cool, although I have no idea what it was. He was really nice to us -- there was only us upper-division students in the class. We were at some abandoned construction site, and Alex and I wanted to explore, of which Dr. Montemayor approved -- but MTSU decided to ruin our fun by cementing closed certain back areas. Daniel Solus thought it was kind of funny, what Alex was doing, and would have joined in (sort of his usual reaction to things) but thought it pretty clear that MTSU had things locked down. At one point Dr. Montemayor had to undo an old chain (inspired by the bike lock I purchased last night) to make more comfortable the classroom -- which was a big circular open area, encompassed by a two-level stone bench. Behind this circular bench, which opened at one side for a projector screen, was an overgrown garden; the ambience was rather grey and misty.

2. I had superpowers, always fun. Levitation/flying ability, so I could fly from point A to B, run up walls and do all kinds of acrobatic things. At one point I walked into the JUB lobby, and it was like a mansion and servants were bowing to me every where I turned, making me very uncomfortable -- apparently I was the heir to MTSU (president's son or something weird.) Classic story-style, I ducked out of their to hang out with my plebeian friends. At one point I was packing up some belongings near a dumpster outside the Todd Art building (facing the parking lot, the WMB), sort of like clearing out your high school locker at the end of the year, and I found myself right in front of this punk guitarist/vocalist and his drummer, practicing for a gig. (Except his lyrics were emo, his playing pop rock -- he was dressed punk/emo/Robocop Power Ranger.) I was better than he, and the drummer was more skilled and playing more complex stuff, and I realized I could do that and should get back into music.

3. Nick was still at MTSU; he asked me join him for lunch, so I headed over there. and he wanted to hang out and have Outback steak -- it was an open air foodcourt, situated in a carnival. There was a line, and it was expensive, and I asked him for the time -- 12:45. Crap! Differential Equations II with Zijlstra was at 9:40! I missed it! I ran/flew over there, eventually found him, and he acted not concerned in the least with my dilemma (as always). The syllabus and homework chart (only the first homework assignment had been charted, like what Montemayor does) were on his wall, which he hosted online, so I had to get the notes from someone. Not a big deal, since so many Physics majors were taking the course, but still inconvenient. I got the impression we didn't get very far the first day, although the concepts listed were completely foreign to me.

4. After that I flew back to hang out under a tree in front of WPS with my new boyfriend! I was (suddenly but not unexpectedly) a very cute girl, dating the hottest most popular guy (like Sixteen Candles) -- and he was in the middle of a conversation with some girl trying to convince him to dump me and date her instead! "These feelings of yours won't last; I'll really make you feel special." She was trying to convince him that our emotional attachment wouldn't last and that shortly after marriage we would "not be in love anymore" and he'd want to move on -- to her. I was at a bit of a loss, although it was clear he wasn't interested in her and very much infatuated with me. I wanted to tell him that love was a choice, not so much a feeling, that we would be together if we wanted to be and that her understanding of love and marriage was very shallow, but I suddenly found myself reading an email my mother wrote me of advice on this topic, which was weird, because I hadn't even told her about it and she was only telling me what I already knew.

And shortly after that I woke up.

mtsu, dream, popularity, sexuality, school

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