i own a religious civilion beside my purple pavilion

May 17, 2008 01:10

I'm assuming that everyone who gets "married" (has a religious / traditional sensibility about man-woman commitment etc etc) wants it to be recognized by the state (gov't) as a legal arrangement and get the benefits therefrom
That legal arrangement is called "civil union".
right, you would go to the state to get your civil union recognized
That's my view anyhow.
or rather, to get one, i s'pose

My parents think I'm insane for liking my room hot
* ethereal_jester wonders whether gays are meant to raise children, though ...
doesn't seem to be any reason why not
purpleposeidon, it is a bit weird.
I do think that the religious should be separated from the civil.
right ... that's why i'm sad about the situation in california

what about civil religions? And religous civilians?
people are celebrating it as a victory, but it's only a further loss
purpleposeidon, what?

(Religious civilions)
* ethereal_jester owns a reliigious civilion, beside his purple pavilion.
damn typo.


wow, that was.... so hot.

[a short while later]

gender != sex
* purpleposeidon has gender with etherealjester
Phantomic: Yeah, like Paris Hilton.
har har
* etherealjester feels violated.
erm ...
* etherealjester feels disviolated.
* Phantomic violates etherealjester

Now you can feel violated ^_^
* etherealjester feels suddenly violent.
* etherealjester also feels violet.
* etherealjester feels a viola.
* purpleposeidon feels Voila!
* etherealjester inserts violet vials into his viola violently.

religion, politics, fatigue, nonsense

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