While hair length is not the main point of this passage of scripture, we glean the following applications from it: 1) We should adhere to the culturally accepted indicators of gender. Men should look like men, and women should look like women. God is not interested in nor does He accept “unisex.” ... 3) Women are to voluntarily place themselves under the authority of men in the church. 4) We should not reverse the God-ordained roles of men and women.How exactly do we know what roles are God-ordained? It seems to require a bit of assumption, as well as ignorance: Different roles are acceptable in different societies in different parts of the world. Logically, then, God has different things in mind for different people, depending on where He decides to place them. It would then follow that if I wanted different gender roles, I would go live where those gender roles are acceptable ... but why is that necessary, exactly? And why would God require that women cover themselves from head to toe in certain parts of the world, while other women may wear short shorts, only for both to have the same result in Heaven -- a place where there is "no male or female"? (I take that verse figuratively, likely concerning such inequality, but for those who take the Bible literally, it only compounds the confusion, i.e. "God wants certain people to jump through more hoops than others.")
Jennifer brought up an interesting comment regarding mine, "God didn't give us fences." Her argument is basically that He did, way back with the Tower of Babel, separating us by language. I'll have to reread that bit, but last time I'm pretty sure it was a folk tale for etymology and morality (i.e. not historically true.)
Oh. I saw
Forbidden Kingdom or whatever-it's-called with Jacke Chan, Jet Li, a pretty asian girl and a guy with an unsightly mole above his eyebrow. Pretty good; beautiful costumes, scenery, etc. 6/10: very entertaining, but if you think you'll run into a few problems. Plan to see Iron Man very soon. Hear it's excellent. Also plan to see Ben Stein's Expelled. Expect to disagree a lot. Hope to be pleasantly surprised.
By the way, I found the above website when searching for thoughts about whether I should shave for church tomorrow. Really, I'm lazy and I want an excuse to look like crap: my facial hair is unattractive, but my face is usually raw else I cut myself when I shave. Hate shaving. Wish I didn't have to. At least I only have to do it twice a week ...
... met Clint's sister at Dr Montemayor's house. Not really - I just ran up as she was leaving, introduced myself, and asked her out. She said yes, and I got her phone number from Clint.
I should call her tomorrow. Have no clue what to say. Hmm ...
I'm thinking about journaling more regularly. I figure it might be therapeutic, attach me more to others, and make for some more interesting content for my website. I'm trying to improve my website, and integrating this journal into it somehow would be cool. RSS feed? How do I import entries like facebook? 'checked LJ's FAQ and it seems proprietary, unless I'm to use the Atom or RSS things... I plan to read up on my HTML and research this RSS business.