i hate insects.

Jun 16, 2006 23:59

(Pre-Post Script)
Letter I wrote to my mother:
I told Housing I would move into Felder 108 this weekend. And by "this weekend" I mean this is my second to last night sleeping on the third floor of Felder... I hate parting, saying goodbye... today the cleaning crew came through and tore down all the name signs on the doors, the first things I saw when I arrived in the Spring (which welcomed me from the hell that was Corlew...) I'll be sleeping on the first floor of Felder Sunday evening.


So I get back from having diarrhea for the second time (apparently the ham sandwich wrap didn't agree with me) -- and the biggest cockroach I've ever seen flies directly at me, inside my room (Felder 321.) It was so scary; I've never seen any cockroach or bug that big except dead cicadas. It was bigger than this one, which I found dead at the AC unit on the floor outside my room. So I got this big adrenaline rush, which helped me get angry and try to kill it. (Kind of like if someone on the street steals the camera you're holding and runs off -- "oh no he didn't") It stayed high on the walls, crawled around the wooden frame around my mirror, flew above the florescent light on the ceiling (between it and the ceiling)... no good opportunites to smack it with my shoe -- and I would've smacked it HARD, and left it on the wall for Housing to see. I couldn't kill it and it flew in the 3/4ths inch between the AC unit and the ceiling, so now I can't. I guess it has a nest or something in there, in the ceiling.

I call the front desk. "I've just seen the biggest cockroach I've ever seen, and I require assistance in killing it." The desk assistant LAUGHS at me. Finally, she says, 'Okay, I'll call Jon and see if he'll come help you.'

John, the gay RA, comes up. I explain to him what happened, show him how big it is (with feelers bigger than it is.) When a situation emergency like this occurs, I go into coolly-logical mode. Think fast, act fast.
He says, "Well, I can't help you kill it."
"Why not?"
"I'm against killing things. I never kill bugs, I just try to catch them, and then let them loose outside."
Oh give me a break, it's a $&#*ing cockroach.
"I feel the same way; I never kill bugs outside. But once they've entered my house, they've given up the right to live. My house is MY domain, no bugs allowed."
He also laughs. "Well, I can try to help you get it out from behind the AC. It probably has a nest there or something ..."
I drag a desk over to it and a chair, and we both stand on it -- it's too tall for both of us, unless we put the chair ON the desk, which wasn't happening.
"Sorry, there's nothing I can do."
I would've asked for a can of Raid, but it 1) would've been messy, 2) might not have worked, and 3) no MTSU faculty is allowed to own bug spray of ANY kind, "regulations." Only Pest Control can carry insecticide -- available at any department store; so stupid -- and they only come out to MTSU twice a week.
"Fine. Either that thing dies, or I'm not sleeping in this room tonight." I couldn't tolerate the fact that I'd be sleeping at night, and that cockroaches could be flying around my room, landing on my bed, crawling on me in my sleep ... and that it might have already been happening. I considered accepting it as a fact of life, that bugs are bugs and it's silly to maintain such an artificial bug-free environment for oneself -- but no, this was unacceptable. I hate cockroaches.

That's it, I'm done with this. I was going to move into Felder 108 Sunday evening, but now either that thing dies or I'm sleeping there tonight.

What a great RA Jon is, he's not even sure of the moving procedure for residents. "I don't know if I can give you a key if you're not on the roster; I think the Area Coordinator has to help you with that ..." Most desk assistants I've seen have been more helpful than he. I finally said, "'kay, well, thanks for your help," and went down to the front desk and got a key from Andrea (girl who laughed at me) anyway.

... so it's now midnight, Kyle (a nice but uninterested-in-me kind of fellow) has helped me put the bed back together (he took it apart and put it in the closet for more space) -- and through his impatience successfully puncture and tear the other side of the mattress -- and I just finish making the bed. Everything's cool so far (apart from the gigantic smell-maker that's giving me a headache), and I just finish watching an episode of South Park. The room is cool, and I'm looking forward to spending the rest of the summer here in 108, and in the Fall as well.

... and then a smaller cockroach flies and lands DIRECTLY ON MY SHOULDER. BZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!! "AUGH WHAT THE FUCK GOD DAMN IT" thrust it onto the ground immediately, and summarily crunch it with my shoe. Photo taken 9:37 this morning. It's like a beetle the size of a quarter that looks like a flea. I squished its guts all over the floor, and now they won't come up...

... it's been a weird day. Prior to these events I spent the evening with Kawan and Aya, and it was very enjoyable. We had a leisurely walk to the Rec center hoping for a free meal (no good), then kept walking past Greek Row to a sandwich wrap place; $5.60 for a tasty meal. I gave Kawan $5.6 and he shared with Aya and said he'd pay me back. I went to pay (took 30 seconds), came back and they were gone. Stepped outside, no where in sight. "... where'd they go?" I start to walk back and there they are behind the building, laughing; it was funny ("i guess you just had to be there.")

At any rate, God's message for the evening: "Get down there tonight ... and shut up, it's just a bug."

mtsu, bugs

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