Feb 26, 2005 14:39
Last night was a good time.
Drank my first Sparks thanks to Ally, and it's my few favorite.
Me, Kayley and Ally chilled at the apartment for awhile trying to find something to do, but we couldn't so we decided to be cool and go cruise Main. Well, we ended up meeting these two guys (who were NOT cute at all, I thought) and they invited us to a party. Being the daring ladies that we are, we went. It was actually a lot of fun, even thought we didn't know anyone there. Randomly we found out that one of the guys knew Bexxx, and then later Eric and Ashely showed up, which was awesome. We left there around 2 I think, I don't quite remember and went to Skip's. Yummmm.
Then we partied in Dan's hot tup and met a guy from Kenya (born and raised, ha) and that was fun. I watched people get naked and roll in snow and run around, which was a great laugh. Didn't get home till around 4:30 ish. Expected to be able to sleep in, but of course that doensn't happen.
My mom called at 7:30 and asked me to come in to the Pancake Place for 9 because Erica called in sick. So I went back to sleep until 8 and then got ready and went in. It was SO busy. Completely nuts. But fun. I like most of the waitresses, the older ones at least, not a huge fan of the girls though. My mom says they think their "special",which I can see. But oh well. My feet hurt so bad.
And I've also decided to become a nun. I don't need to waste my time or get my hopes up on stupid things anymore. It's always my own fault, and I don't know why I do it. Fuck. I guess FOB's lyrics are true ::breaking hearts has never looked so cool:: But it sure doesn't feel cool when it happens to you. So I'm either gonna be a nun or get the only hot guy that works at the Pancake Place. No other options.
So I'll keep you updated on how that goes. But I'm going to go back to bed considering I only got about 4 hours of sleep.