It's time for LJ Friend O' The Day!

Aug 01, 2006 06:52

Today we greet Hiko, a/k/a pharna!

Hiko is a relatively new LJ friend and another West Coast peep but I've known her for quite a while, having met her on Turtle's late lamented Brats! board. In fact, she designed the first INS template lo these many (okay, 3.5) years ago and was one of the main cheerleaders when I was first putting it together. We don't talk nearly as often as we used to, but she is a FRIGHTENINGLY smart person who, last time I checked, gets to play video games for a living. She's turned me on a bit to anime and its music, and even though I often feel incredibly ignorant when talking to her since she's forgotten more about computers than I'll ever know it's always nice to see her pop up on IM. Someday when she rules the world I hope she remembers the little peon out in Virginia ... :)
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