
Oct 10, 2008 07:14

Last time, we began discussion of the drug problem by addressing the need to return alcohol to its rightful place among substances that are illegal. This time, we will address what to do about some of the currently illegal substances.

Cocaine, for example, comes from the coca plant. Plain and simple, it cannot be manufactured without the coca plant. This plant currently has no medicinal, nutritional, or even decorative use. Therefore, ridding the world of the problems associated with cocaine and its addiction is a simple matter of eliminating the species of plant altogether.

Yes, we are talking here about deliberately causing a species of plant to become extinct. Environmentalists will balk at this solution. But keep in mind that literally millions of species become extinct on this planet every year. What's one more? Especially when it is one that has absolutely no purpose on this planet but to destroy lives, ruin society, and make evil, ruthless
criminals rich.

Other plants that are used in the manufacture of dangerous drugs-- plants like poppy, marijuana, coffee, tea, and others-- currently still have some medicinal uses. Until we are able to synthetically produce the medications we need without these plants, we cannot plan to eradicate them. We are already close to the time when the opium poppy can be targeted.

But in the meantime, we are at the point where the coca plant, can be-- MUST BE-- eliminated.

Under the New World Order, the systematic removal of the sources of these dangerous substances will help eliminate all the problems associated with them, just as it will with the removal of the sources of dangerous thought. Crime, violence, and addiction will all be things of the past. All of society will rejoice in the improvements brought about by the New World way of life!

drugs, cocaine

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