So, we've just about gotten to the point where I can quote the miniseries from memory (planning a fan series will do that to you) and I've realized that Charlie says a lot of stuff that doesn't seem to make much sense at face value. So I dug a little deeper, and found that he was referencing real things. Knowing that doesn't make his dialog have any more sense, but I thought I'd post here so as to share the wealth:
Insults (from his introductory scene, and during his battle with the Suits): These are largely
Elizabethan- including, to my delight 'vassal'.
Singing (from any horseback riding scene): It's been pointed out in fic before, but I thought I worth mentioning that both his songs were from Shakespeare. "
Hey Nonny Nonny" shows up in Much Ado About Nothing, and "
The Wind and the Rain" is from Opus 23.
Sanctus Deo! (after finding the exit to the Truth Room): Latin, obviously, for "
O Divine Lord."
Bow to the hand of Diocles! (before conking a Suit on the head on the roof):
Diocles is a Greek name. The first result that comes up when you search for it on Google is the
mathematician, and I'm going to assume that this is the Diocles we're looking for on the basis of the fact that he wrote
On Burning Mirrors, which is tangentially related to world which relies on a Looking Glass. What any of this has to do with hands is anyone's guess.
Thank Vilnius you're all right! (after reuniting with Alice and Hatter by the lake):
Vilnius is the capital of Lithuania. I don't know what that's about.
Come and face the wrath of Asclepius! (calling the Suits out):
Asclepius is the Greek god of medicine. I'm not sure what that means either, except that the fact that two of these things are Greek makes me think that the lost continent of Atlantis is probably on the planet somewhere.