The Weekly Wave 19

Apr 17, 2010 00:23

acaucusrace - a Big Bang-style community for fans of all versions of Alice in Wonderland

Be sure to check and follow the rules at each comm!
None this week.

- Spring Fever by thewritingbug [Alice/Hatter / NC-17 / PWP]
- In the Rough, Ch. 10 by alittleoddish [Alice/Hatter, Jack/Duchess, Charlie / PG-13 / adventure]
- I Am Not What I Am, Ch. 2 by ariadnequinn [Alice, Hatter / PG / AU, general]*
- Day to Day, Ch. 6 by thewritingbug [Alice/Hatter / PG-13 / drama]
- Chalk Hearts, Ch. 4 by meredydd [Alice/Hatter, Alice/Jack, Jack/Duchess / NC-17 / romance]
- Go Ahead and Drink Your Tea by ireland22 [general / G / general]
- Home Sweet Home by thewritingbug [Alice/Hatter / PG / fluff]
- Gumshoe, Ch. 5 by cursetheflame [Alice/Hatter / PG-13 / AU, adventure]*
- In the Rough, Ch. 11 by alittleoddish [Alice/Hatter, Jack/Duchess, Charlie / PG-13 / adventure]

--Hey gang, don't forget those GENRE and RATINGS tags!! :) --

always_a_boom made some Alice icons

None this week.

banners tag | other tag | wallpapers tag
melbelle1 made a Hatter wallpapers
isileil made some scenery wallpapers

None this week.

- You Are Old, Father William (They Might Be Giants), an Charlie video by lady0fthesith
- Tea Party (Kerli), an Alice/Hatter/tea video by lady0fthesith

chibi_kaz wanted to know if Hannah Spearritt made a cameo in one of the extra scenes.

None this week.

-The 18th White Rabbit Wednesday was a little late... *shifty eyes*

Check your local listings!

* entry for the Quarterly Challenge *thumbs up*
If you've got a comm or a contest or a discussion (outside of the comm) that you'd like added to the Weekly Round-Up, drop a note here with the pertinent information.

♣ If you notice an error (bad link, misspelling, bogus description, etc.), please let a mod know so it can be corrected! ♣

Round-Ups will be posted on Saturdays, unless otherwise noted.

weekly round-up

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