May 05, 2010 17:06
I started feeling better about myself and my body and the way I looked at the end of last year. I've always been overweight and hateing it. But once I stated feeling better about myself in general I started loosing weight. So I made some other desisions. I stopped drinking sodas, coffee, and other high sugar, high caloried drinks. I also cut out a lot of the carbs and cheese I was eating. I've dropped from a size 16-18 to a size 8-10. I feel really good about how I've progressed and I'm at my goal weight that I've always had for myself. I like the way I feel too. I have a lot more energy. With this new job I know two of the girls have a gym membership. I'm hoping to join with them and start working out more. I already walk a lot and do yoga but I want to start toning my arms and getting more of the flab from my belly. I love my legs however and always have. :D
I have my admin day tomorrow for my new job! It's paperwork and information and she said it typically takes 4 hours. But they buy me lunch. That's cool. And on Friday it's my first actual shift. I'm nervous and excited. I'm ready for a fresh start.
I've also been keeping myself more open to new people and relationships. I still miss Dave but I won't wait on him and I deserve better. My friend Lisa's boyfriend's (and father of her child ... they are so getting married someday. Cuties.) brother asked me out yesterday to go hiking. So I accepted because form everything Lisa and Crispin have told me he seems like a really awesome guy. So I'll give him a chance.
Ready to rock this new part of my life. :)