Nov 04, 2006 12:14
What is the stereotype for fanatical Christian or Catholic supporters. Fred Felps is one just idiot, television evangelists and ignorant white trash. I say this because this stereotype always surprise’s me for some reason. I’ve seen all of the above from time to time, either meeting them or watching them on TV. But I’ve met certain people that are so outside of stereotype that I think they are the next wave or Christian supporters. The most messed up people that are so blind in their faith that they don’t even bother arguing with you any more, no matter what you say, no matter how much proof you give them it doesn’t matter, their excuse at all times is ‘god made it that way’. Their faith is so blind that they don’t even care if you believe it in it or not. So blind in fact that they even at times say that when we die we’ll know the truth and that we’ll be greeted by Christ and that we can be anything we want to be. But what’s true is true and to them the only truth is death.
The first thing that runs through my head is why do they only associate their faith with death? At the end what would the point. Its hard to say what will happen when you die but I can guarantee you that with the millions of people who die a month one entity isn’t going to be there to give them a big hug and let them in to the pearly gates. Further more, we only associate death with further fathoms of humanity. Pardon me for being wordy but I really do mean fathoms. We look at Christ as a human, angels with human faces and body’s. We look at them as living in human building crafted for human occupation. We consider them to think of humans and humanity at all times.
Why would they even have us as a passing though in their minds? Why would then even care?
Anyway, back to death. Death is always considered an end to a means. A way to justify the life we’ve lived. Well, I have some very bad news for everyone out there. It’s the exactly opposite. The moment we are born we begin to die. Birth is the beginning of the end. In death the cycle starts all over. So, would it be prudent to assume that death is really the beginning and birth is really the end? Ponder that for a moment.
One should not fear death but embrace it, not run from it but face it head on! Death is the beginning. Life is the end. This circle should be tout at all school through out the world. The second we stop fearing death and starting living as though its just a block down the street. Then maybe for once peace with hold this earth.
How about this? We think for ourselves, not think that an invisible man in the sky thinks for us. We decide our own legends and pluck our own stars from the sky. How about be do only what does us good, no thinking of anyone else. Ah, but there in lays the biggest paradox known to man.
We live in a pleasant harmony of un-loneliness. Again, for give the pampas wordiness, but I really do mean please harmony. First you have to realize that in every action we take, we take that action first and foremost for our own selfish reasons. For example this entry I’m writing right now. I like to write it makes me feel better; I’m releasing some pent up steam from the past week. Or lets take our little friendly Christian fearing people of this indigenous Earth. Sure, they might think that they’re going to help other people by spreading their faith and forcing it onto underprivileged aborigine’s tribes of South America and Africa. But honestly, why are they doing it, because deep down it makes them feel better that they’re doing something that is souly for someone else. In reality however, it does make them feel better in every way. They do it for themselves for their own self justification. We don’t want to be lonely. We need to do things for other people. For humanity to live on there has to be war and peace, a healthy pleasant harmony of un-loneliness.
*sigh* No one cares. If a god fearing Christian would look at this they would not see the logic or the sense in my ranting’s, they would only see what the church tells me to see. An unbeliever. They would say to themselves when I die and go up to heaven or hell I would then know the truth that they are right and my logic and proof was just bullshit. Maybe I’m just like a Christian, the same thing just on the opposite side of the same spectrum?
They’re just going to shake their heads at this and laugh at me. They would say that science can’t prove anything either just the same way that Christians can’t prove how god exists that they just know it. The only thing is that normal Christians aren’t scientists… they don’t understand how it works. It is proof in every way, tangible, living proof.
I as going to say something at stem cells… but I’m tired now… I’m going to watch a movie and then go to bed. Peace out ya’ll