Room 316 - Tuesday Night - 12/8

Dec 08, 2009 23:27

Liir hadn't done up anything especially fancy, just a bit of roast beef and some bread dumplings wth gravy. Simple, filling food. Tonight, especially as Joan had no doubt used up some energy on the stage, was just for the comfortable and simple.

[for one]

room, joan, liir

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joan_notjane December 9 2009, 04:31:54 UTC
Joan was pretty tired. Even though her part was small, there was a certain energy in the theater and when that adrenaline worse off, if exhausted her. However, she was also hungry and happy to be spending some time with Liir.

"Oh, that smells wonderful," she said, flopping down on his bed. "And my flowers are beautiful." They were currently in a plastic cup of water on the spare desk in his room.


new_to_liirness December 9 2009, 04:34:40 UTC
"I'm glad you like them," which spoke to a certain amount of growth on his part. He would once have commented that they weren't all that special, which might have dampened things.

"And here's your dinner," he said as he pulled the little cover off of her plate and held it out to her, the other hand holding fork and knife.


joan_notjane December 9 2009, 04:38:15 UTC
"You are so good to me," Joan said, happy to take the utensils and start eating.


new_to_liirness December 9 2009, 04:44:29 UTC
His lips quirked to one side in something between amusement and restraint. He didn't think he was particularly good to her; he just tried his best.

He didn't say that as he settled on the bed with his own plate. Makejoy was fed one of the fatty portions from his slices before he took a bite of his own.

"You were very good. The whole play was very good."


joan_notjane December 9 2009, 04:46:37 UTC
"It's been a lot of fun," Joan said. "More fun than the Scottish Play, where everything that could go wrong, did."


new_to_liirness December 9 2009, 04:48:08 UTC
"Was it really so bad?"

Liir then realized that he'd seen at least a part of the mess.

"All right. I met the interim director. I suppose it was that bad."


joan_notjane December 9 2009, 04:56:38 UTC
"Edward got arrested," she reminded him. "So, yeah, it was pretty bad."

She toyed with her food for a moment. "Um, there is something I should probably tell you about this weekend."


new_to_liirness December 9 2009, 05:07:02 UTC
He continued eating but he did glance up at her.

"It won't mean a thing," he told her plainly. But his body language said she was welcome to go on.


joan_notjane December 9 2009, 05:08:16 UTC
Joan wasn't so sure about that, but she soldiered on. "I didn't see you at all, but I guess you know there was a lot of weirdness."


new_to_liirness December 9 2009, 05:11:39 UTC
"I battened down the hatches, stayed in my room, and thanked every Kumbricia, Ozma, Lurline, and the Unnamed God all together that my sanity remained in tact," he admitted like a coward. An unrepentant coward.

"But there is radio."


joan_notjane December 9 2009, 05:21:36 UTC
"I sort of, um, woke up with someone yesterday," she said. "It was, uh... Raven."


new_to_liirness December 9 2009, 05:23:43 UTC
Liir nodded briskly.

"Not really surprising."


joan_notjane December 9 2009, 05:26:59 UTC
Joan's fork fell out of her hand and hit the plate with a clatter as she stared. "It's not?"


new_to_liirness December 9 2009, 05:32:32 UTC
He eyed Joan for a moment.

"It's this place. It does things every once in a while. I usually think of it as payment for being here, getting the benefits of this place. After all, would you usually wake up with Raven?"


joan_notjane December 9 2009, 05:37:44 UTC
"Well... no," she said.


new_to_liirness December 9 2009, 13:00:43 UTC
"Then whyever should I be troubled by it?"


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