room 316 - friday evening - 10/2

Oct 02, 2009 20:15

Tonight was a night for the stupidest of things. It was for being reckless and uncaring, for doing things that might bodily harm him. It was a night for drinking, or worse. Perhaps even illicit drunken glitter-less boykissing. It was a night to bury the pain in foolishness, alienate all who knew and loved him, and make his mother even more ashamed than she was that she was most certainly his mother.

...which was all well and good, of course, except for the giant dog who would not let him out the door to go and be a stupid teenager. By the third attempt that had ended with him tackled to the ground, the angst had quite literally dissolved into good old-fashioned frustration and he reached over into the closet to flick the hot pot on for some hard, soul-numbing--


Oh yeah. Oz's badboy was rocking it tonight.

"I'd be angry," he told Makejoy sternly, "except that you're probably saving me about three hundred dollars worth of trouble, an upset stomach, and a weekend full of headaches."

The dog stared back at him. Not mockingly. Just confused as to why Daddy was trying to be a moron. He was usually so sensible.

"And now I'm talking to my dog. Nameless Name, kill me now..."

[door closed, post open]

room, the bitch on the broom, makejoy

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