OOC: Old Classes [recordkeeping]

May 04, 2009 10:32

Summer 2009
Lodging: Millard Fillmore Cabin - A3

Spy Games - Walker (Tuesday, Period One)
Logically Speaking... - Suresh (Tuesday, Period Six)
The Art of Seduction - Bond (Wednesday, Period Four)
Public Speaking - Upland (Friday, Period Four)

Liir's Class Schedule - Spring 2009
Monday / Third Period: Sex Ed
Monday / Fourth Period: Mad Kings and Queens
Tuesday / Fourth Period: Management Theory
Wednesday all day: Cafe Fina (job)
Friday 10am-5pm: Book Haven (job)

Clubs for Spring 2009:
Art Club - Monday 4pm
Cooking Club - Thursday 1pm

Liir's Class Schedule Fall 2008:
Monday / Third Period: Diplomacy, Relationships & Tactics: The Art of War in Every Day Life
Tuesday / First Period: Hands-On Art
Wednesday all day: Cafe Fina (job)
Wednesday / Fourth Period: Survival Skills
Thursday / Third Period: Literature
Friday 10am-5pm: Book Haven (job)

Clubs for Fall 2008:
Self-Defense Club - Monday 4pm
Cooking Club - Thursday 1pm

Liir's Schedule Summer Part 2 2008:
Cabin ( Summer 2008b) Odd Duck (B3)
Monday / Second Period: How to Be a Complete Bitch Without Trying
Tuesday / Third Period: How Not to Get Killed
Tuesday / Fourth Period: The Right Tools
Wednesday / all day: Cafe Fina (job)
Thursday / First Period: Childhood Games
Friday / all day: Book Haven (job)

Liir's Schedule Summer Part 1 2008:
Cabin ( Summer 2008): Scorpius (B3)
Monday / Fifth Period: Punching People and Not Breaking Your Hand: Fighting 101
Tuesday / Third Period: How to Look Like You Belong Even When You So Don't
Tuesday / Fourth Period: Courtly Dancing & Defense
Wednesday / all day: Cafe Fina (job)
Wednesday / Fourth Period: Galactic Vacationing
Friday / all day: Book Haven (job)

Liir's Class Schedule Spring 2008:
Monday / First Period: Maths for the Real World
Monday / Fourth Period: Inventiontronics
Tuesday / Fifth Period: How To Survive Your Own Cooking (serving as TA)
Wednesday all day: Cafe Fina (job)
Thursday / Fourth Period: Fandom Invasions
Friday 10am-5pm: Book Haven (job)

Clubs for Spring 2008:
Speaking Tongues - Friday after classes
Host Club - Sunday, late afternoon
Fencing - Wednesday, 4 PM


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