Seriously, new people have joined. So. ADD LIST OF DOOM! Please follow the following steps to insure you have the most complete add list ever!
RECENTLY EDITED: October 10, 2006
1. Log into your RP account(s)
2. Copy list below
3. Paste into
Admin Console and execute.
friend add nomoredaifuku
friend add singersummoner
friend add xxlunarxxsealxx
friend add formofheaven
friend add goonsterdance
friend add soubachild
friend add cosmomemoryxiii
friend add crazynightstick
friend add rudegesture
friend add gift_of_despair
friend add endingdreams
friend add vforvalentine
friend add kaasans_brood
friend add obscure_hunter
friend add enraptured_one
friend add seiphie
friend add gunblade_heart
friend add chained_whip
friend add hearts_machina
friend add threnodist
friend add not_sudit
friend add summoners_dance
friend add lotisguardian
friend add play_odd_ball
friend add kuangsi
friend add devils_do_cry
friend add thedarkknight23
friend add ultravioletnite
friend add thelilconqueror
friend add mio_akamura_999
friend add shine_forever
friend add blitzbunny
friend add pink_summoner
friend add cmaabmaccpayido
friend add nameisnoone
friend add wilsonexceptnot
friend add short_summoner
friend add guardian_mask
friend add redchakram
friend add keyoflight
friend add demibullet
friend add besaid_ninja
friend add silenceofthebug
friend add loyaltyandpride
friend add shamanic_focus
friend add silentx_soldier
friend add faiisaflirt
friend add dragon_summoner
friend add cursed_puppy
friend add parasite_enegry
friend add calamity_fall
If I missed anyone/need to remove anyone, lemme know!