FF7 Talk - They Just Can't Be Alive!!

May 05, 2008 20:39

Hey everyone! I'm not too sure about other colleges/universities elsewhere but I am officially on summer break! For those whose classes are still in and got finals to face, all the best! For those who have already done them, hope you got what you wished for!

Ok, so onto some Final Fantasy business. Between studies I've been reading around on Final Fantasy Wiki. I'm ashamed to say this but I had no idea that it was there all this time! Do you know what this means?! I am going to be using that to spawn up some new Final Fantasy topics! One articile in particular already caught my eye that I'm bout to share with you guys.

So I know Scarlet and Heidegger isn't everyone's favorite characters but I was randomly reading their profiles and it apparently says that "The battle ends when the Proud Clod explodes with Heidegger and Scarlet inside. Though they are presumed dead, it's unknown if this is actually the case." I'm sorry, what? I didn't even think it was actually worth considering the idea that these two survived. As I mentioned before, Scarlet and Heidegger aren't the most popular characters in general, which might explain why most people saw the "boom" and said "ok they so dead." But, correct me if I am wrong but didn't the Prod Clod go off screen before exploding? Perhaps they somehow jumped out then? I don't know but I find that part a little fishy. Unlike Rufus' explosion, their's happened from the inside out.

Ok now here is one final question worth debating about. Ok so lets say Rufus did indeed die in the blast and somehow Scarlet and Heidegger managed to overcome meteor and continue to rule ShinRa. Can any of you actually imagine the idea of those two working together for very long? To me, the only thing that kept them on the same page of thinking was their so called dislike for Rufus, which btw I think was pointless on Scarlet's part since I don't recall Rufus saying anything too bad to her anyway. But if he truly was out of the picture, could those continue to work well together? I'd say they would plot against one another but that's just me. :P

Ok so that's the topic I got for today. I'll keep reading through the FF Wiki for ideas! I look forward to having deep conversations with you all again, its been so long. Oh and of course, if you have topics you want to discuss you know what to do! See you around!


scarlet, final fantasy 7, debates, heidegger, ff vii, ff7

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