Final Fantasy and Religion

Feb 10, 2007 15:22

I have a non-fanfic post today... :)

I am currently enrolled in a course entitled Religion in the Movies, which is exactly what the course title implies: watching movies that might not normally be considered religious, and analyzing their theological and spiritual elements. For this class, we have to write a term paper, written over the course of the semester.

Well, being the nerd that I am, and having the most amazing Professor *ever,* I requested FFX...and he approved it. However, I've been debating with myself since the beginning of the semester whether or not I wanted to do VII instead, as both games are *loaded* with theological analogies...and now my thesis topic proposal is due quite soon, and with my indecisiveness still in the air, I turn to you, fellow lovers of FF-analysis, for advice...

If you were to read or write a paper such as this, which game would you choose? And what would be the core of the paper? I have several ideas in mind for both games, but as this type of analysis has been discussed in this community before, I though I might present the idea here and see if anyone has any thoughts I may have missed :)

Of course, knowing myself I'll end up just writing two papers, and only turn in one of them...because I'm *that* cool...<3

PS--You all are wonderful! :)
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