What is Seifer's Fate?

Mar 20, 2006 17:09

A few of you might recall me making a entry about this topic, a month ago. Since the community has gotten bigger since then I have decided to make a new entry about this topic. The question for today is "Do you believe Seifer Almasy returns to Balamb Garden, after the whole Sorceress’s Knight period.? I know many of you have heard, or even wondered this yourself. My personal opinion is that he does, indeed, return to Balamb Garden. Below I have posted a few brief reasons.

1.) After the group of missiles was launched to destroy Balamb Garden, the Garden manages to dodge the assault, only to crash, and float in the sea. During this time, Squall is lying in his bed, he is talking to himself. He then asks the question "What about Seifer? Will he ever be coming back?" I find it very interesting to believe that Squall would even ask this question, even after the attempt he and Edea made to destroy Balamb Garden. Squall knows all the rules of the Garden, and the fact that he even asked this question proves that it is not too late, for Seifer to return. He would have never asked this question, unless he knew it was to late for him to even think about coming back. Plus many individuals often think that Squall dispises Seifer. This is not true! While Seifer is torturing Squall, he tells him "This is the scene were you declare your undying hatred for me!" Surprisingly, Squall says nothing, when he is given the chance to repond. He pities him, and finds Seifer a very complicated person, yet deeply respects him.

2.) After completing the game, you should have noticed Edea, aka Matron at the party, within the Garden. Don't any of you find it very interesting that despite all that she has done, they still let her back in? So why Seifer shouldn’t be given the same choice? The fact is you can't support Edea, without supporting Seifer and vice-versa. Both Edea and Seifer were manipulated/mentally controlled by Ultimecia. In a sense, Edea did far more evil things then Seifer done. Edea actually murdered President Deling, (even though nobody liked him) and destroyes Tribia Graden, along with many of its students. The worse thing Seifer has done was offer Rinioa, too Adel, and that fails to be considered worse then killing. To be honest, I don' t even think Rinioa hated Seifer after all that, judging from the quick conversation they had before Rinioa merged with Adel. Did any of you notice how Seifer seemed to have been coming to his senses and was hesitating to go through with it? But the moment Squall showed up, Seifer's attitude changed, and he gave her up. Of course he was still Ulitemecia's puppet, at the time.

3.) My final point is probably one that hardly any, if not, none of you has ever heard. If you remember the clip at the start of disc 4 were Seifer and Rinioa was in front of Adel. Did any of you notice how torn up, and ruffled Seifer's coat was? It's obviously from the training he was doing as a Sorceress’s Knight, and thumping he got from Squall and company. This signals that Seifer never changed his coat, when he sideded with Edea. Why he never changed it? Perhaps he left all of his spares, back at Balamb Graden. Now here is where things get interesting. In the ending clip, where Seifer is fishing, his coat looks brand new, as if he never fought anybody. Where did he get this new coat from? Is it possible that Seifer went to see Headmaster Cid, who probably was at the Garden now, and asked if he could come home? While he was home for a brief moment it is possible that he changed is worn out clothing. Why was he at Balamb docks, fishing? Maybe Cid gave him a mere suspension, or Seifer choose to not return at the moment. The smile he gave to Balamb when it flew over him...was most likely a sign that he knows that he will be returning there, someday.

Well, there are my points...can't wait to see what you have too say.

knight, ff8, fate, balamb garden, seifer, opnion, edea, theory

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