Jan 06, 2007 14:53
Hey everybody I just felt like having another good Final Fantasy discussion for the day. I'll be sure to have some more debate topics posted up soon, no doubt. Oh and in a few months time I should even have some regarding Final Fantasy 12. I'm still trying to get absorbed in the storyline...so the magic hasn't hit me just yet. Nevertheless, Final Fantasy 12 is a very good game. Ok, now onto the discussion for the day!
Out of all the Final Fantasy games you have played, is there always a habit, weather good or bad, that you ALWAYS find yourself doing? Oh and the habit(s) that you might feel like sharing can be about things you always seem to do either in the start of the game, middle, or end. I have a couple of bad habits in Final Fantasy games that I still haven't gotten over yet. So far, every Final Fantasy game I have played...I seem to over-train very early in the game. I swear in FF8 when I got my first GFs, Shiva and Quizacotl I went straight to the Balamb Training center, and leveled them both up to at least 10. And I made sure that they both had boost before I even fought Ifrit. By the end of disc 1 my Squall must have been 25 or a bit higher. Most people I talk with say that I went overboard, and I somewhat agree. Training so much does make the games allot easier...too easy in some cases.
The thing is that I love training though. And plus it does save you allot of time towards the end of the game. In my opinion it is better to train in the start of the game/early as possible then to wait at the very last minute. But still, it would be nice to hold back on my training and try my best not to over do it. I wish I could say that for my FF 12 though. lol. You would not believe how strong I got so early! Most FF fans would have a heart attack and call me a freak. But hey, I love doing it!
So with that said...is there any habit, weather good or bad, that you find yourself doing in almost/or all the Final Fantasy games you have played?
I think this is a fun topic. ^.^;
final fantasy,
leveling up,