FF8 stuff...

Nov 06, 2006 11:29

This is all about para-magic. I'm really tickled over the idea that a physical type of thing can be withdrawn from a creature. The spell itself... well, is it a physical type of thing? That constitutes only to the fact that spells are differentiated into numerals. But if it's as magic is normally, how do you just have a bunch of spells racked up ( Read more... )

guardian forces, questions, ff8, final fantasy viii, magic, final fantasy 8, ffviii, theory

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neo_rufus November 7 2006, 16:39:42 UTC
I must say you bring up some pretty cool topics. As for my personal opinion, I think the magic in FF8 is "spiritual energy." The actual number next to the magic probably just represents points, or the amount of times you can cast that spell, not an item amount. If my memory serves me correctly, you can't buy magic in FF8, so I'm assuming it isn't an item. The same thing always bugged me about Seifer's fire spell, the one he casts right before a limitbreak. It looks like "Fira" but it doesn't indicate it when it is being cast, so I guess it's a "Seifer thing."

Anyway, as for junctioning...I guess the player literally fuses the magic "spiritual energy" within their being, hence why we try our best not to use it, even though you can. So magic "spiritual energy" that is not junctioned is still apart of you in a sense, just not as fused to the soul as junstioned magic.

I hope I made a bit of sense. That's the best I've got at the moment. I'm sure Angie will have a better explanation for yah. Or I might even make a brand new one after she finishes her comment. But that's how I see it at the moment. :)


ff7aeris November 7 2006, 16:47:30 UTC
I just posted *poke*


colichemarde November 7 2006, 17:49:13 UTC
I see. Are you saying the number represents a limit of energy? But it's like ff7aeris said, if the magic were to be used entirely, then it would drain some kind of life force out of its subject. But I suppose since humans can't hold magic to begin with without a GF, then it doesn't affect them, other than memory loss? ... Hmm. Now you made me ask more questions. XD


neo_rufus November 7 2006, 18:14:47 UTC

Yeah...that's exactly what I mean. The number is the limit of energy left to cast a certain spell. I hate to confuse things, but I have yet another point to add to this theory we've got here. Ok...I agree with what Angie said above, about humans needing a GF to use magic "spiritual energy." But there is one thing that just came to mind, the good news is that I have an answer for it. If all humans cannot hold/cast magic without a GF, then why are Fujin, Raijin and Seifer able to do so when they fight against you?

Well here is what I think. All Gardens (Balamb, Galbadia, Tribia) have laws regarding magic. I'm assuming there is one that states "students are forbidden to cast magic without a GF present." This will explain why Squall, Irvine, Zell, Selphie, Quistis, Rinoa and Seifer (when he is with Garden) are not able to cast magic without a GF, it is against their school rules. But when Seifer and his gang leave the Garden (I hope they goes back :P) , I guess they tossed those rules out the window, because they are casting magic without the aid of a GF.

I'm sure there are a few holes in this theory, but we'll work it out as we continue to throw around ideas. :)


ff7aeris November 7 2006, 18:40:00 UTC
Maybe they already have other GFs that was never mentioned? I'm assuming that there are so much more than what the game went over.


ff7aeris November 7 2006, 18:22:26 UTC
The converting to numbers is to allow something that has no 'life' or 'soul' like a computer program to interpret the mechanics to allow this storyline to continue. Its a mere unit of measurement.

For that, think of the story as a big movie and those numbers are 'behind the scenes' ... for real life entertainment purposes, its needed to maintain the illusion that the story is real.

I don't know if it makes sense, but considering that I write code for programs for a living, trust me. A computer only understands the cold equation. It is up to the human writing it to script out the reaction to give the illusion of it being more 'human' and 'friendly' to the user.

I for the most part put the explaination in 'quasi-scientific' terms... even though I follow a belief path that severly conflicts with science and technology. ... Yeah, I'm a walking paradox to the point that I confuse a lot of people. I'm sorry if I did that again. ^^;

Energy that I mentioned is what is needed to keep the heart going, to keep the lungs to take in more air. It has no physical manifestation, but neither does the heat from a fire. You just feel the energy, and we have ways to contain that energy, for example, take a look at a battery.

Going on that line of thought is what I was referring to. And yes, it is life energy, but the host (where you draw it from) has no ill effects, they don't grow weaker. Might as well as use the same energy to jump up and down briefly. Sure you may get tired, but you recover quickly.

Humans (and all living things) have this energy to extract in this story line. On the same note, if a human removes the GF, they still have the stored magic/energy that they had aquired. They just need the GF to gather more and use it. It seems the ablity to hold magic was there all along, it just needed a 'key' like a GF.

Now for memory loss. It only happens when GF is involved. There are people who can live their whole lives without encountering a GF and they still forget things. I think that the truth of what is given up is actually something that is very hard to put into words or expression. Memory loss could very well be one of those things, or I may be wrong and it an be the only thing lost.

It's actually so frickin' vague that alot of details have been missed.


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