The Turks Discussion

Aug 16, 2006 21:35

Hey everybody, sorry I haven’t been posting much. I had a pretty bad cold, and I just didn’t have the energy to update at the time. However, plenty of new theories and discussions have come to mind so I can post up. I figured it was time for another Turks discussion. I know many people have already seen Advent Children, but I still decided to post the entry behind an lj-cut. I’m not to sure when Advent Children Spoiler warnings will no longer be needed; I guess we can always debate about that some other time. But if you really feel they will no longer be needed in the near future, just let me know.

This entry includes small write-ups on each present Turk (Tseng, Elena, Reno and Rude) and how I feel each Turk has changed during Advent Children. Hope you like this entry; I had fun putting it together.

Tseng: As we all know, Tseng is the leader of the Turks. In my eyes, Tseng is the most interesting Turk. He has proven to be very loyal to the ShinRa family, but I think his loyalty was towards Rufus the entire time, even before he even became President. Hints in Final Fantasy 7: Before Crisis proves that Rufus was scheming to have his old man killed by the original AVALANCHE, so he can take his role as president. But when Rufus’ father realized someone was betraying them, Rufus put the blame on the former leader of The Turks, Verdot. What’s interesting is that Verdot was Tseng’s idol at the time. So one would think that Tseng would hate Rufus for what he had had done. But Rufus explains to Tseng (who showed no hostility towards Rufus) that some good came out of his failed plan, and that Tseng was able to become the leader of the Turks.

Here is what I find interesting. Tseng could have turned Rufus in to his dad when he learned about his assignation plots, but he didn’t. This leaves me to think that Rufus and Tseng are very, very close. When you think about it, Tseng is pretty much the father figure in Rufus’ life. No doubt Tseng guarded Rufus as a kid, and he probably told him how he hated his dad, because he was never around. So it might be safe to say that Rufus and Tseng are best friends, I pretty much like the idea. Due to his lack of film time in Advent Children, it was very hard to say how much he has changed from the game. I can imagine he has lightened up a bit and is probably focusing his love on Elena.

Elena: Despite Elena’s lack of camera time, I can tell she has matured quite a bit from the game. Well first of all, I was very amazed that she survived the brutal torture from the SHM. Yes she got healed by Vincent, but not even Vincent was sure if they were going to survive. So she really impressed me at that point. To top that, she even saved Rufus with those cool net-guns. To be honest, that is something the FF7 Elena probably couldn’t do. She had no confidence in herself in the game, and now she is working pretty well with Tseng. Showed me how much she has matured. She might have even surpassed Reno and Rude, you just never know.

Reno: Reno’s personality change threw me off guard my guard. I’ll admit that I loved the whole comic relief thing with Rude. But I didn’t really understand how he went from a serious Turk with sealed lips, to a complete blabbermouth. It was as if he took up Elena’s old bad habits. Nevertheless, he still kicked some major butt in Advent Children, and I liked how he turned out. Long ago, I thought he and Rufus were best friends, but the game revealed it was Rude. Nevertheless, I’m sure he is still good friends with Rufus and the others.

Rude: There isn’t much to say about Rude. His character wasn’t to well develop in the game. But what I really like is the fact that he is more sociable. The way he was talking allot in Advent Children really made him a very neat character. So that’s all I really have to say about Rude.

I really hope you enjoyed my Turks review. I’ll be posting a debate topic on Friday or Saturday regarding the Northern Crater. Have a great day, everybody.

reno, rufus, before crisis, elena, rude, president shinra, advent children, shinra, discussions, the turks

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