Irvine's Fate Debate

Jul 30, 2006 10:51

Hey everybody, I'm back. Please forgive me for taking so long to respond to your comment in my last entry. Work has been very hectic and I have been buying all of these new school supplies for my next semester coming up soon. So it feels great to be back and updating again. :)

During my limited free time I once again defeated Final Fantasy 8 and I watched the ending cut scene. As I was watching it a few questions regarding Irvine came to mind. Correct me if I’m wrong but despite the fact that Irvine was working with the SeeD’s of Balamb, he was technically a student of Galbadia during the entire game, correct? I never considered Irvine to have actually separated from his school when he joined Squall’s team, but he was just assisting them, during the Sorceress War.

Here is where my first question comes in. After the events of Final Fantasy 8 do you think Irvine will return to Galbadia Garden? I’m not to sure what the regulations are for changing schools, but I’d imagine it was possible for Irvine to change schools all together. Selphie was able to transfer from Tribia Garden; then again her school was destroyed, so she didn’t really have much of a choice. As for my personal opinion, I like the idea of Irvine staying at the Balamb Garden. Even though he didn’t show it (at least I don’t recall him showing it) I can imagine it was pretty hard for him to go to war against his own school. No doubt there will always be a new form of rivalry between the two Gardens. So who knows? Maybe the outcome of that war could have changed his views of Galbadia. Not saying his old school was bad or anything, it’s just that he has reunited with his old friends and they may need Irvine more then Galbadia Garden needs him.

My final question is based on the Irvine and Selphie relationship. Do any of you recall the scene were Selphie takes Irvine’s hat and has a little fun with it? In your eyes, is that a hint that they are a couple? Or was it just a friendship kind of thing? I’ll be honest, they way Irvine acts…he doesn’t seem to be ready to become involved in a 1 on 1 kind of relationship. Don’t get me wrong, Irvine is a awesome guy but he pretty much flirts with every girl in sight, which shows me he’s a bit clueless about the word “love.” Nevertheless, there is a good possibility of the two getting together in the future, but Irvine has a bit of growing up to do.

As some of you may know, I am a huge fan of Seifer and Selphie being a couple. I’m not sure if it’s me, but it looks like Selphie had a huge crush on Seifer when she saw him in Dollet. Of course she could have been cheerful at the time, but I sensed a bit of feelings during that moment. But during disc 2, I believe Seifer was aware that Selphie had slight feelings for him, which would explain why Seifer said “Selphie right? I wish we had time to get to know each other.” Now Seifer had a wide variety of things he could have said that could have messed with her head, so I find it interesting that he said such a thing. What I noticed is that Seifer pretty much uses people’s different feelings towards him in order to confuse them. For example, he taunted Zell about the bullying; he taunted Quistis about him being one of her best students, Rinoa about the summer vacation and Irvine being related to Galbadia. So why would Seifer use a romantic line against Selphie? This is why I feel that Selphie once had a crush on Seifer and he tried to use those feelings against her.

In conclusion…all I’m really wondering are two things. The first question is do you think that Irvine will return to Galbadia Garden? And would you consider Irvine and Selphie to be a couple by the ending of the game?

I hope you all like this topic. Once again, it feels great to be back! I missed this community so much, lol.

irvine, ff8, balamb garden, seifer, galbadia garden, selphie, love, relationships, final fantasy 8, debates, ffviii

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