Zell's Big Mouth

Jun 28, 2006 15:58

Ok so today I'm going to do something a little bit different. Normally, I would have 1 main debate topic to discuss, but today, I'm going to do 2 in 1 entry. I think it'll be fun. I'm aware that we have all talked about events in various Final Fantasy games, and how things would change if one event was to not happen at all. This entry is similar to those kinds, but I'm not really focusing on the many events that happen after, just on this particular event. I just don't want us to think we are talking about the same thing over and over, not that I mind, lol. So with that said, let's get this entry started. :)

Here's my first debate question. "Why did Seifer attack President Deling?"

This may sound like a lame and simple question, but you would be surprised how much debating goes on, just from this one question. Some think it was to impress Rinoa. I'm not saying its wrong or anything, but it really makes me question that answer. While Seifer had the President as a hostage, I recall Zell saying something like "Oh so Rinoa is your," and then Seifer says "Shut your damn mouth CHICKEN-WUSS!" I doubt Seifer cut him off because Squall was around. Maybe it's because he didn't want them to know? Quite frankly I find it weird.

I think Seifer threatened the President because he felt Squall and the other new SeeD couldn't do the mission without him. I doubt it was jealously (even though I could be wrong) because I remember Seifer clapping when Squall, Zell and Selphie became SeeD. To me, now that I think of it, it can be so many reasons. His emotions weren't in check at the time, so rage most likely blinded him.

My last question is "if Zell never mentioned they were all Balamb students, would Seifer have ever been taken away by Edea?"

When I sit and think about it, Zell's outburt pretty much started the game, in a sense. Within this event, just imagine what would have happened if he kept quiet. Seifer wouldn't have wondered off were Edea took him away, and Seifer could have stayed there long enough for Rinoa to talk to him. Keep in mind that I do not hate Zell. If it wasn’t his fault, then it had to be Seifer's, because he should have never left for Deling in the first place, but I digress.

Anyway, the whole reason Edea was able to manipulate Seifer becasue his emotions were so twisted up. So if Zell never told Deling that they were from Balamb, then Rinoa would have gotten the chance to speak with Seifer, and maybe knock some sense into him there and then. If this whole stunt was for Rinoa, then I'm almost sure Rinoa could have done something. Who knows? Maybe Seifer and Rinoa would have gotten back together at that time. Of course many of you might be thinking that Edea could have gotten to Seifer at a later date, which is true. How ever, I just can't see Edea trying to manipulate Seifer in Balamb Garden, even though she could. But I doubt that's the proper atmosphere for that kind of thing. In that case, it all depends on how bad Edea wanted to control Seifer, but that's another debate. ;)

So...what do you all think?

rinoa, squall, seifer, zell, love, debate, final fantasy 8, edea, president deling, emotions

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