I’m sure most of you already noticed that I love to take factual information about Final Fantasy, twist the scenarios a bit, and turn it into a what if kind of thing. Well this entry is based on one of those. Here’s an interesting question I just thought of. “What would Cloud Strife be like if he HAD gotten into Solider?”
After thinking about
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But if you mean that Cloud would have been there instead of Zack, well that just makes the whole thing more complicated - but think about it - Zack got killed as he was targeted by Shinra- the same thing would have likely happened to Cloud - Cloud only survived that I think because he was not considered a threat by the Turks and Shinra.
As to the Cloud vs Rufus thing - it is difficult to say why he suddenly becomes motivated and having cares. It always seemed a strange thing that at the beginning he doesn't give a s**t, then all of a sudden it all becomes paramount to him.. I guess it must be because of Aerith - and the events after that - he gets involved and can't help it - and because of his feelings for Aerith he is angry at Shinra. I wonder if some of the old Cloud starts to come back at this time. Some deep resentment towards Shinra must be imbeded in him, which could explain his hatred towards Rufus.
I suppose Rufus' ideas does come accross as dangerous (even Rufus' father thought so), and maybe Cloud was worried about how this could also affect things with Sephiroth - he knew Rufus would get involved and in his way - and could have been worried for Aerith as well. I think Cloud just woke up out of his "mercenary" state and started to care for the planet a little. And I think there is some macho thing there to - perhaps to impress/protect Aerith, and revenge against Shinra for dropping the plate etc. I like the rivalry between Rufus and Cloud though - seeing as though they are about the same age (if not exactly - i think they are), but are from such different backgrounds - and end up helping each other in the end!
Again, Cloud started the whole trying to get into SOLDIER thing to impress Tifa not Aerith. While he may have developed feelings for Aerith and the desire to impress her during the time he knew her, it was originally all started for Tifa. Which actually kinda really ticks me off that he could just brush Tifa aside like that after everything.. I really don't like Aerith.. I even read "Maiden Who Travels the Planet" to try and get some light shed on her and possibly even like her a little, and it ticked me off even more XD lol..
Ha Aerith always used to annoy me, but when you think about it - you should be annoyed with Cloud really - its him brushing Tifa off not Aerith (though Aerith did try so hard to push in between them). But yeah it was all for Tifa originally - but I always felt that he didn't seem so protective of Tifa as he did Aerith in the game, maybe because Tifa comes across as a stronger person (when in fact she isn't).
I hate to admit it - but I've come to quite like Aerith recently - I mean when I first played the game when I was like 13 or something I did do the whole crying thing when she died - but when I replayed it when I was older I started to find her annoying. And now I'm older still I think I'm starting to appreciate her character a lot more. Actually I think it does come a little bit from this amazing TsengxAerith doujin I have - I wouldn't normally have bothered with that pairing before, but I didn't realise that was the story when I bought it as the cover was different - but OMG! So tragic and sweet! It really turned me - and made me more of a Tseng fan as well. So thats good. But maybe my strong hatred of Yuna replaced Aerith as my annoying FF character - I really hate Yuna - she just plain annoys me and I have no real reason for that - she just does XD
But what did you think of "Maiden"? Some of it seemed a little pointless to me - but I can see why they put it in there - like meeting the AVALANCHE members and Dyne, but I think overall it made me understand the nature of the lifestream more - and shed light on the end events of FF7 which have never been that clear. The Hojo bit was freeky, but I really liked the bit where she met President Shinra though, it was interesting to see deeper into his character, and how he considered others, and of course that he was only interested in wealth even in death. The fact that he loved to prove himself to others is interesting as well I think - as it might explain some of Rufus' resentment towards him - if he was always trying to prove himself against Rufus. Actually something about that bit reminds me of something... can't think what... might be something to post on Mythrauders if I think of it! No-ones posted for ages - I've just been to busy to actually go research something! I've got a free day on Sunday though (I think) so maybe I'll look something up then...
Well if I further into that I'll start ranting.. XD lol
Maiden did clear up a lot of stuff and also confirmed in some stuff I thought about the end, but other than meeting some of the characters, it really just annoyed me... PARTICULARLY about Cloud falling into Lifestream. Um, probably would be a good idea to discuss this elsewhere though, like um, my yrena journal, considering this whole topic was meant to be about Cloud. XD
Hmm, for me it was Rinoa, and although Yuna can be annoying at times (have you ever been caught in a button pushing loop with the "It's just... a little farther now" in the Ronso's territory? YIKES) Rinoa is a lot like Aerith in my opinion, although I'm not sure which is more annoying.. which would be another rant ^_^;
Mythrauders.. er well I just haven't had a good lead yet. ^_^;
I think that was a great way to impress the person you care for. As a guy myself, I would have done something like that as well to impress a girl I like. I think it's understandable why you have a dislike for Aerith, I do feel bad for Tiffa. Then again, Tiffa reminds me of Rinoa, she has her feelings all mixed up. Some say that Seifer wasn't in love with Rinoa, as she was with him. Rinoa only assumed that Seifer felt the same way, which led to her confusion. If Seifer loved Rinoa, I don’t think he would have tried to use her feelings for him to mess with her head in the disc 2 encounter. So Tiffa might have assumed Cloud felt the same way, but there is a chance he didn't. Still, it looks like he and Tiffa have gotten closer in AC. :D
On the other hand, it may simply be proof of how screwed up he is by that point - how deeply Ultimecia has her claws into him - that he is willing to taunt his ex-girlfriend like that, and later toss her to Adel for that matter.
With Seifer, you always have to take into account the Sorceress factor in all his actions - that makes a big difference in possible motivations.
So that's why they spared Cloud? I thought it was because they thought he was already dead. Then again, it has been a long time since I have seen that scene. Wasn't Rude and Elena there? I guess they didn’t literally kill Zack because I don't think Cloud would have even teamed up with them in AC.
I agree it must have been Aerith who had changed Cloud's opinion about the planet. I like Tiffa and all, but it didn't look like she was affecting Cloud in that kind of way. Not saying that Tiffa didn't play an important role or anything. In a way, they both helped Cloud to be more caring, but I'm not sure who was more effective. :P
I was somewhat surprised that Rufus never bothered to capture Aerith. I guess he was unaware that she was an Ancient. Then again, he knew quite a bit about Sephiroth, so I wouldn't consider him 100% clueless about her. I too love the rivalry between Cloud and Rufus. The way they first met was pretty awesome. It makes me wonder what would have happened if Cloud wasn't there. This may be shocking, but I don't think any of them would have fought with Rufus at the time, but I digress. I just wish you could have fought Rufus again. :(
I'm not sure if it's hatred they have, but I'd imagine that they simply disliked one another, and didn't agree with the others methods, like two scientists arguing over a theory. At least they squashed the hatred they once had in AC, although I wouldn't consider them "friends," but maybe Cloud is friends with Reno and Rude. :P
Thanks for commenting, I enjoyed replying. :D
Yeah I think Cloud seemed to change a lot in character after he met Aerith - or was it when he met Pres. Shinra? He seemed pretty concerned then - maybe it was a wake-up call?
I think Rufus didn't bother with Aerith beacause Sephiroth was a better link to the Promised Land - thats the only reason Shinra wanted Aerith, so when Rufus knew that Sephiroth was headed for the Promised Land and that he could just follow him - Aerith became expendable - they didn't need her anymore.
Yeah you know how I feel about the Cloud an Rufus relationship... I still feel that after AC they will have some kind of truce and mutual respect - though they will not ever be friends - but yeah maybe Cloud & co are a little bit friendly with the Turks - so I suppose you never know what might happen with them all.
Oh and I just read somewhere that Squenix plans to extend the "Compilation of FF7" by another 10 years! Well they say it will last 20 years - and 10 are up - so... yay! I mean its not definate - but FF7 is such a money making machine for them I don't see any reason why they wouldn't.. the only worry is that they could just churn out sequels for cash and the quality will decline - like with Star Wars or something... but I hope not! Anyway I'm going off topic know ^ ^
Also, it was Rude and [BC Gun - Female] - Elena's older sister, who admitedly looks a hell of a lot like Elena after she became a Turk herself (BC!Elena had totally different hair. It's my theory she had her hair cut short like her sister as a tribute, given that all the BC!Turks were reported as dead not long before the first reactor bombing).
Yeah, that was a good answer about why Rufus didn't bother with Aerith. That was pretty clever. :)
Wow, are you serious? That sounds awesome! Part of me is surprised, but the other half isn't. I mean there was a 500 year gap after the events of FF7 the game. So I guess they figured building a better timeline would make things more interesting. But if this is coming out, then I can imagine we have a very long wait ahead of us, lol.
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