Kingdom Hearts Debate

Jun 13, 2006 20:08

I’ve got great news friends, I finally defeated Kingdom Hearts! After all the convincing, promises about the game not letting me down, I finally managed to beat it. I had it only for a month, and seeing as how my friend was so impressed by how fast I took care of it, he gave it to me as a reward, but I digress. I must say that my opinion on Kingdom Hearts has changed, seeing as how a few months back I wasn’t aware of how great the game actually is. Maybe it’s the way I was first exposed to it that turned me off when it came to playing it. You see when KH1 first came out; I use to watch my friend play it so much, not allowing anybody else to get a turn, even though it’s a one player game. So a few years later, I finally gave it a try, finished it and I decided to type up a brief opinion of the game.

This entry is split into 2 main sections, likes, and dislikes.

My next entry will be Final Fantasy related, I don’t mind going of topic every now and again. J

Likes: I suppose I should quickly reflect on the storyline. It was pretty decent, a 14 year old boy going around worlds, locking the gates, trying to prevent the Heartless from taking over the various worlds, while looking for his friends. At first I found it to be a tad bit cheesy, but then I really started to get into the whole idea. If anything, it was very creative. I must give the creators a pat on the back when it came to the design of the various worlds. I was quite impressed how the brought back some of the old Disney characters, and their homes. It was so accurate, it was scary, lol. The main characters were pretty cool, and I’ve become quite attached to them, especially Riku. I find him awesome!

A great game is always based on real life situations, 1 friend getting jealous because they have something they don’t; the not jealous friend makes a few new friends, resulting in fighting. It may sound original, but I found it pretty deep. I must admit that the main character threw me off guard. I was expecting Sora to cry for his mom for most of the story, but he only mentioned her like once and that was all. I’m sure I wasn’t the only person who thought that. Riku reminds me of Seymour from FFX, he wants the best for people, but chooses the negative way to achieve it, which makes the story great. Even though I cried like a girl when Riku was locked away in the Dark Realm, I felt he deserved it. Yes he somewhat came to his senses in the ending, but it would have ruined the whole story if Sora and Riku hugged, and forgave each other in the ending of the first Kingdom Hearts. That would just kill the moment, so I was quite fond of the ending. The music, bosses, weapons and cut scenes were splendid, simply loved them!

Does anybody know what the KH1 theme song is called? I love it.

Dislikes: The Gummy Ship! That was a bit of a let down for me. I felt as thought the game stressed about having a great gummy ship. Not to sound picky, but the graphics made the building process a bit hard for me, I know it sounds lame. In fact, you don’t even need an invincible kind of gummy ship. All I did was keep the one I first got, increased the HP, added 1 measly laser, and I got threw the whole game. The weapons weren’t even that necessary, 90% of the time, the other enemy ships don’t even attack you! You spend most of the obstacle just dodging, and shooting the big objects in your way. The only good thing about it all was the awesome music as you were traveling to the next world, other then that…mug!

The Summons was ok. I didn’t hate them with a passion or anything; I just never bothered to use them. However, I did spam Tinkerbelle quite a bit, she came in handy. I saw my other friend summon like crazy, and I was just not into it all. I relied on my own strength to beat that game, and it’s worth it. So in a sense, the only summon you need in that game is Tinkerbelle, and you are pretty much set. My final dislike, well semi-dislike is battle system. So many critics complained about it, and I found it to be not as bad as they say. Obviously it will suck if you compare it to KH2, but I tend not to do so. It was bearable; I wasn’t hooked on it or anything. The way you gained new combos was ok, but I was disappointed about the lack of limit breaks. I know it’s not Final Fantasy, but they could have added a little something. The closest thing to a limit break in that game was the mini special attacks like dash slash you get from Cloud, or the boomerang keyblade. Nevertheless, it was ok, not the best.

Other then that, I LOVE KINGDOM HEARTS!!! I’m glad I gave it a try. It was a great length, and kept me busy for a good while. I recommend many to try it if you have not done so. I’m currently playing KH2, so I’ll be sure to make a post about it once I am done, it’s awesome thus far.

I hope you enjoyed my review; I sure loved typing it up. My next topic will be Final Fantasy related, so don’t think I’ll stay on Kingdom Hearts, lol. I just felt like updating about it today, of course anybody else may bring it up as much as you please. My love for Final Fantasy is still unrivaled. ;) 

sora, kingdom hearts, riku, final fantasy, kh1, kh2, debates, opinions, worlds

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