Rufus Shinra is an Al-Bhed Alien!

Jun 02, 2006 19:00

This may sound far fetched but its true! I couldn’t believe this when I read it - from the translation of both FFVII and X’s Ultimania Omega books. (full credit to Ryu Kaze/Ryu Sinclair for making such a great translation). Its based on the fact that FFVII and FFX’s worlds are connected - they are in the same universe but are on different planets ( Read more... )

rufus, final fantasy x-2, final fantasy 7, ff10, ff7, shinra, final fantasy 10, ffx-2, final fantasy x, ffvii, ffx, final fantasy vii

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bangbangshinra June 4 2006, 13:08:09 UTC
Dammit I keep posting and then somehow loosing everything I just typed when I get to the end.. *is very pissed off* K i'll try again.... What was I saying.. Oh yeah! I agree with you on the space travel thing, I was thinking about this earlier actually, surely Shinra would know how to make space travel possible? The only way I can think to explain this is that, perhaps the first Shinras to arrive wanted to keep the knowledge of who and what they were secret - probably to complete their plans without resistance, and perhaps didn't even tell the next generation in their family about their secret (I doubt very much that if this is all true then Rufus knows of the origins of his family) and therefore destroyed the evidence of space travel - only for later Shinra's to try and develop it again? Its a long shot I know but is the only way I can think to explain that. I think a theory like this is always going to be full of flaws, as the FFVII world when first created couldn't have been meant to connect with the world of FFX, and I'm guessing the creators only came up with this at the time of FFX-2. But Nojima, Nomura and Kitase etc are always so very vague about things... they say they like to do this though as they feel it is better that things like this are left slighty open for fans to interpret as they will.

And as for my using the word alien - I meant it in the literal sense - ie a foreign body, I mean even a person currently in a country that is not native to them is called an alien. But I do see what you mean, that the word brings up different ideas, like big green four eyed aliens etc ^ ^ (Just had strange image of Rufus peeling of his skin Men In Black Style to reveal huge ugly alien - lol!). I like your descriptions though "humanoid lifeforms... two planets in the same universe with similar life forms". I suppose Nanaki's race and Ronso could be related somehow, I think they are different though, but are similar lifeforms - but Nanaki's race is hardly described in FF, I don't think we know what/who they are or where they are from, and why there are so few of them - no reference is made to them in the stories at the time of the Cetra. And how does Nanaki get kids 500 years later? I thought he was the last of his race (unless they are little Nanaki clones ^ ^)


summonerluna June 4 2006, 22:41:47 UTC

Aww Nanaki clones :)

Ya know, I had actually never questioned *does* he have kids? Guess he wasn't the last afterall...but then, we do know so little about his race...maybe they breed asexually? Though he had a mother and a father...but Bugenhagen was definitely of a different Race and Nanaki called him Grandfather, so either that was just a term of endearment...or maybe if a being of Nanaki's race breeds with a different species, the children have the appearance of the dominent species? No real way of knowing I guess...but good call on that one!

Lol, I'm re-reading The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy right now so my brain is full of ideas about other planets in other parts of the Universe not being all that different from ours :) And you know...Nojima and co. definitely love their Star Wars and there are plenty of similar planets there :) But it would be hilarious to see Rufus shed his skin MIB style :p

Yeah I think it's definitely an idea that they haven't really fleshed out...though I'm sure if SE ever wanted to really do something to tie these games together they would find a way to answer all the questions. At first I thought that maybe the Shinras from Spira came to Gaia before Jenova did and that's how the knowledge of space travel was erased, but I'm not sure the timeline would work. I suppose it's possible Shinra came to Gaia 1000 years after Yuna brought the Eternal Calm, but that would mean that happened at least 3000 years before the events of FFVII, and that Shinra was around with the Cetra, and that just doesn't add up to me...though I guess if the first Spirans came to Gaia, as they began to populate...say they arrived on the Wutai continent but then migrated to what is now Midgar, and those were the Spirans that founded Shinra...I guess the record of space travel could have been lost. Especially since the Shin-Ra company didn't start out being the threat it is by the events of FFVII...or maybe something happened to cause them to move to Gaia and they wanted to erase the entire history of their time on Spira? After a few generations life on Gaia would seem natural and children would not question anything...especially since we know Gaia was already populated so it's not like it was Spirans that populated the entire planet?

This is fun, I like playing scenario designer!


bangbangshinra June 4 2006, 23:18:56 UTC
Nanaki's a real mystery. I believe Bugenhagen was an adopted grandfather, but Bugenhagen as well - WTF was he? He just floated didn't he! Nanaki breeding with another race - that just seems to be full of beastiality to me...- brings to mind many wierd doujinshi I've seen - CloudxDark Nation VincentxChocobo Red XIII x Yuffie etc... ^ ^ Mind you though - when you are in Shinra HQ on the first disc - I'm sure when Hojo has Aerith in the lab and he brings Nanaki up that he plans to breed them : "Without my help both these species will become extinct" or something like that, and in the board meeting he tells the President "We're thinking of breeding her". I really wouldn't put it past Hojo.

Hmm this is all getting quite confusing now! I still think it would be most likely the Shinras arrived nearer to FF7's time, but really that they formed Shinra Company at "some point in the future" after arriving is really very vague. I would have thought their technology for mako use must have been near to completion when they arrived, but by near I reckon about 100 years plus. The Shinra family was already a wealthy and influential family before the company was formed I believe, but I wonder if Pres.Shinra formed Shinra Works (the original weapons company) when he knew the technology was nearly ready, and used the weapons industry to gain power and acceptance from the people for ending the Great War so he could sell Mako more easily.

I reckon your right though - that the Shinra family grew used to Gaia after a few generations and lost the history of their family, Rufus and Pres.Shinra probably have no idea - they just accept that their family has been around a long time and that they have a gift for technology. I wonder if the original Shinra's founded Nibelheim and the Shinra mansion though, its their traditional family home. I like your idea that something happened that made them want to erase their history - ooh I wonder if they did something really awful on Spira - or Spira became unsafe for them to live in?

BTW do you agree that the FF7 world is called Gaia as well? I can't remember where I know that from but someone was asking me the other day if its the official name and I thought it was..


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