What if Seifer passed his SeeD exam?

Apr 13, 2006 15:27

As you all probably notice by now, I enjoy thinking of how a Final Fantasy game wouuld be if a major event never occurred, for example what if Seifer passed his SeeD exam in the beginning of Final Fantasy 8. Did you ever wonder how much FF8 would have changed if Seifer was to become a SeeD? Well let's take a look of the possible changes. Since ( Read more... )

rinoa, squall, ff8, balamb garden, seifer, what if, final fantasy viii, love, debate, seed, final fantasy 8

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chaosperfected April 13 2006, 22:22:20 UTC
Well this is a toughie. Having played the game several times, I can see where you're comming from.

As for the Lone wolf, he may do that, but you have to add in Zell, Quisty, and Selhie. These three have always tried to bring him out of his shell from the start. Even as children. Not to mention Irvine.

The fact that they were all children together, in Matron's Orphanage... It complicates the whole story plot. Sure Rinoa would still be with Seifer, but I think she would still try to get past his cold exterior as a good friend like the others.

Seifer on the other hand, would try to bring out Squall's competitive side, to see who would be the better SEED.
Take into account, that if Seifer had followed procedure, the events of the communication tower would not occur. If he was serious about passing.
Plus a lot of other scenes would not occur, since Squall was leading man.

Though I would find it amusing that SQUALL would still feel guilty about Rinoa's collapse after fighting Matron at the Galbadian Garden. He'd probably still take her on his own, only to have Seifer probably kick his ass for making a move "on his girl". Which by then after finding out later, would be "his sorcress."


neo_rufus April 14 2006, 03:15:47 UTC
I knew this debate topic would be kind of hard to approach, lol.

Oh yes, they to had a huge effect on Squall's emotions. Maybe the relationship between Squall and Rinoa would have never worked out as it did, if Zell and he others where not there. Good point you made.

True that, though Rinoa would not really be romantically involved with Squall, she would still try and pry him out of his shell.

Lol, that would be kind of funny if Seifer beat up Squall for hitting on his girl. Thanks for commenting. ;)


chaosperfected April 14 2006, 04:37:52 UTC
Well it took me some time to think it over, but the topic is very heavily debatable.

For example, If Seifer and Rinoa continued where they left off, if he passed the same SEED Exam, and Nida was cut... It makes me wonder if Quistis might still persue her "mistaken sisterly" feelings for Squall.

Remember in the game she was telling him about how she was demoted to a regular SEED, and he told her to "go talk to a wall." And she was rejected. However, if Seifer and Rinoa remained together, would she suck up her feelings and try again like Rinoa did in the game? Seeing that he was still in the market as it were? Or would she remain on the side-lines and pine for him?

If she were to persue the issue, I dare say that it would certinaly make for an interesting story.
To outline: Seifer and Rinoa together.
Squall likes Rinoa, but remains distant becaue Seifer and Rinoa are in fact a couple. Meanwhile Qusits continues to be open to Squall, and he continues to shut her out.
Weaher or not he realizes Qusists feelings for what they are, or Quists gives up is an entirly new concept that can go either way.

If I wasn't such a Cannon whore. (A fanfic writer of games that stick to orginal stories.) I'd probably write the story with that concept. ^^;


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