Who: Ashe [
tornhallelujah] and anybody else.
Where: Slums, near to Northswain's Glow's base.
When: Friday 19th October, mid-morning.
Notes: Say hi to Ashe! :D Go pester her, she needs someone else to know than Balthier.
Even if she'd made an effort to dress down and look in place, it seemed her standards of dressing seemed to rub off on her - Ashe's clothes were bright, and stood out well among the near peniless lining the streets. As she left the base area of Northswain's Glow, this became more apparent, as she continued to walk, on and on.
Unlike most of her class, she'd didn't look down on them with disgust - perhaps horror, that places like this still managed to exist.
She was so tangled up in her own thoughts that she didn't notice when someone grabbed her arm - even if she trusted this area and most of the people, it didn't stop her from drawing her sword as she pulled away with surprising strength, turning to face whoever it was that had made a grab for her arm.