Old World History (event)

Apr 05, 2007 16:01

Who: Anyone.
Where: New Sanctum High School Gymnasium.
When: Friday, April 6th, 7:30pm.
Notes: School dance! 8D See this for more details. Not mandatory, but it'd be fun, and there's a cash prize. 8D And remember to dress your characters in costume. ;) Oh my god, I love events where I can shamelessly reuse ideas and have a reason for it.

The dance was so far quite successful, at least in the eyes of those who were currently there. There was already a good two hundred students assembled in the (thankfully huge) hall with more streaming in, and the dance had only been going for half an hour. Most of the attendees were in costumes of varying quality, many of them doubtlessly motivated by the monetary prize being offered. Nevertheless, everyone seemed to be having a good time. There had so far been only one sign of trouble, and that had been swiftly broken up by the surprisingly efficient Student Security Force. (Apparently, they were members of the Shin-Ra youth group along with the dance's organiser.)

The hall was well-decorated, various paintings (some student-done, some on rent) hanging from the frames, displaying various historical scenes and giving the place an atmosphere. Admittedly, the music playing through the speakers was anything but modern; the hired band were still setting up, apparently the guitarist had left his instrument at home and was rushing back frantically to fetch it and salvage what was left of the band's paycheque. Most people were blissfully unaware of this little hiccup, enjoying the cheery dance music playing or hanging back and just talking.
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