New Characters
Elfen Lied - Nana
itaiyo_papa -
ProfileGuilty Gear - A.B.A -
goku_moroha -
ProfileOld Kingdom Trilogy - Sabriel Anshar -
knelled -
ProfileShin Seiki Evangelion - Misato Katsuragi -
theangelkiller -
Profile No Longer Taken (please defriend character journals)
DearS - Xaki -
dearsbiterDevil May Cry - Mundus -
forgreatpowerLegend of Zelda - Link -
forestmelody Journal Master List
friend add itaiyo_papa
friend add goku_moroha
friend add knelled
friend add theangelkiller
friend remove dearsbiter
friend remove forgreatpower
friend remove forestmelody
Please check out
this post, if you haven't already; more input is always appreciated, especially if you have any suggestions. ^^
A Note From Dark
Dark here, sliding something into this post before LaurelAvenue posts it. I'd just like to say that I have been seeing a general decline in the activity in the community and I must admit it has been getting me down, I'd just like to remind you all that the moderators are here to join in with the game as well as keep the plot going so I'm afraid that if no one else participates in posting events and replying to those events posted, we can't really do anything else to help, I feel the community needs some life breathing into it, but anyone considering joining wont join a community where only the moderators post events, so we need to get this sorted. LaurelAvenue and I need to get our heads together and continue with the plot and members need to try and be more active and post some events. I'm not getting at anyone with this, I'm just explaining the situation we're currently in, I feel that the community could close down all together unless the activity issue is solved and to be honest, aside from developing the plot and such I'm not sure how to improve the activity, I feel like I've tried everything so new events will be appreciated and huggled and given cookies ^_^
A Quick Note
I hadn't realised it, but there was some confusion. Just to clarify, anyone can post a main event (an event that doesn't feature specific characters) if they so want to. :) It's not a mods-only thing. My bad, I'll edit the rules to try and make that clearer. ^^;