Who: Sparda [
sparda_yamato] and Misha Seraphinus [
Where: A sidewalk and then an abandoned library, probably another sidewalk...
When: September 21st, sometime in the afternoon.
Summary: Misha encounters Sparda during a walk. Demons, libraries, and talks of happiness ensue.
Notes: Comment~! XD Because this is one of those magically resurrected logs that me and Xander probably started in mid-August and left alone until now.
Sparda had spent the past few weeks indulging in tomes about angels and their various powers. Now, feeling confident in his knowledge of the celestial beings, he sought out his young angelic friend Misha, feeling it was time to help her step into her angelic heritage and claim the powers that were rightfully hers. (And satisfy his curiosity in the process.)
It was a nice day out, and frankly, Misha considered days like this invaluable. So, armed with nothing but her own boisterous energy, she set off for the park cheerfully, having no choice to walk, seeing as she didn’t have money for a subway ticket.
“Walkin’, walkin’, walkin’,” she chanted merrily. “Suuu!” Pausing rather abruptly, she whirled around, looking at her surroundings as she sensed a familiar presence.
“Nani?” she called. “Who’s therey-were?”
“Hello, Misha,” Sparda greeted, hovering in mid-air in his demon form, taking care to distance himself away from Misha so his aura did not hurt her. “I’m sorry to have interrupted you so, but I was wondering if perhaps you’d like to accompany me on a demon hunt.”
Misha watched Sparda wearily, feeling the pains of a sudden headache emerge in her head. Rubbing her forehead in a feeble attempt to dispel the migraine, she replied, “Oh, ums, sure. I don’t have my crossbow wit mes, though, su...”
“I see. Where is it? I’m sure it won’t take us long to fly there,” Sparda said, flying a little higher once he noticed Misha’s pained expression.
“Heehee, it’s just down the roady-woad there...” Misha mumbled, pointing off in the direction of the apartment she was staying in. “’ve only been walkin’ for a few minutes, so it’s not...not far...” she trailed off, grabbing hold of a light post to steady herself as she smiled weakly at Sparda.
Noticing Misha’s discomfort, Sparda dismissed his Devil Trigger and landed gracefully next to the girl. He reached inside his velvet coat and pulled out the necklace made from the dead vines and leaves of the Hell Tree to suppress his aura.
“I’m sorry, I thought that perhaps distance would lighten the effects of my powers, but it seems that I was mistaken. Let us go fetch your weapon.” Sparda patted her on the shoulder and checked to make sure she was healthy enough to walk.
Misha, feeling her migraine lessen almost instantly, exclaimed (back to her full pep), “Hiya-hiyas, Sparda-san! Yeppers, I’m ready ta go! Let’s go fight those demons!”, before taking off at top speed towards her apartment.
Now, how am I going to fight without the use of my demonic abilities? Oh well, another day, another adventure. Following Misha closely, Sparda found himself having a bit of trouble keeping up. She recovered quickly. Perhaps she is not so vulnerable to my power, though I would hate to measure her suffering for my own curiosity...
Misha herself wasn’t even bothering to wait up for Sparda as she clambered up the staircase to the second floor of the building, disappearing behind the door that read the faded number “24” on a plaque on her door. After a moment’s notice she returned outside, clutching her crossbow in her hand as she locked the door to the apartment room and scaled down the steps again until she reached the ground floor.
“Teeheehee, all set, su!”
“That was...fast,” Sparda said, looking curiously at the young angel for a moment before composing himself and once more readying himself for battle. “I know of the location of a gateway to the Underworld, I have already taken care of the major threats that dwelled there. There are only a few minor demons left for you to dispose of, I hope that is alright,” Sparda said, and began towards the bad part of town and into a rundown library. Misha followed him, smiling and humming cheerily to herself as she traipsed inside the library. Stopping suddenly, she examined her surroundings curiously. “Oooh, scary, su!”
Smiling and nodding, Sparda walked towards a very damaged door inside the library room that seemed to be covered in dried blood and rust. “Now, Misha, once I open this door, you may feel a slight headache, but you should be able to handle it. Focus and be careful. Please let me know when you are ready.” Sparda took out his sword and held the doorknob, waiting for Misha’s approval to begin the attack.
Misha nodded, holding her crossbow up at the ready. “I’m gonna give it my all, su!”
Nodding back to her, Sparda kicked the door open, right into the face of a nearby demon. The room itself was flooded with lesser demons, a fact that seemed to worry Sparda, as he did not expect so many to return. Charging in, he began to cut them down, making sure to keep a close eye on the angel.
Misha hurried inside after him, ducking haphazardly as two demons lunged at her with their weapons at the ready. She turned around swiftly on her feet to face them, only to tumble backwards as a third lunged for her.
“Big meanie!” she shouted, getting to her feet and subconsciously flinging her arm out behind her, smacking the fourth demon to try to ambush her directly in the face and watching it dissolve into thin air instantly.
She dodged to the side swiftly as a lesser demon lunged, attempting to hack off her right arm, and turned on it, focusing her energy into the crossbow and firing a bolt at it. The demon howled in pain and died immediately, dissolving as the other had and leaving behind the single bolt that Misha had fired, no longer radiating with angelic energy.
In her glee and surprise, Misha looked over to Sparda and exclaimed, “Sparda-san, I gots two! Suuu! I gots them!” She was cut off sharply by another demon lunging at her. “Eeeep!”
Sparda smiled and shot the demon in the head before it got her. “Very good, Misha, but we are not safe just yet. You must focus.” He had been watching, and found her style to be, well...clumsy, though it did seem to work for her. With a unique blend of what Sparda saw as flopping and flailing, she appeared to conquer her foes efficiently.
“Concentrate on your angelic magic,” he advised as a demon began to charge at him and met its end at the edge of his sword.
Misha blinked, her face splitting into a wide grin. “I understandies!” she called back to him, waving cheerfully before extending her wings and taking off above the mess of demons below. She closed her eyes, preparing herself to employ the same method she had used against Vergil in sparring a while ago; filling the entire room with angelic magic. As her own aura began to strengthen, little dots of bright light started appearing across the area, and seemed to be killing demons almost instantly with their effects. Sparda watched, believing that Misha could control the areas effected by the magic. He quickly learned, however, that this was not the case. The aura she was radiating began to irritate his skin and soon started to burn him.
Hurrying out of the room, Sparda dealt with all the demons left in his path until he was safely out, and fell to his knees. “Amazing, Misha, well done.” Smoke began to rise from his skin, although he paid no mind to it.
She broke off the effect soon after, rushing over to Sparda worriedly. “Oh noesies, su! Are you okies? ... Eeep, you’re smokin’! I’m so sowwy, Sparda-san! Suuuu!” She began to sob dramatically.
“I shall be fine, there is no need to worry.” Brushing himself off and standing up, Sparda showed her that he had already healed from most of the damage. “I often find myself smoldering or on fire, it is nothing to concern yourself with, really. All that matters is that you learned from this experience.” Sparda patted Misha on the shoulder, before pulling out a handkerchief and offering it to her. Misha blinked, watching him blankly and wondering what she had learned from the experience (several things jumped to mind). Setting aside her confusion for just a moment, she accepted the handkerchief from him and wiped her tears away with it, before turning and looking around the room.
“Wowiee, that was kinda scary-wary, su!” she burst out, giggling feebly. “Teeheehee...”
Sparda was somewhat taken aback by Misha’s giggling, but quickly remembering who he was dealing with, he replied, “Heh, heh. Yes, that is one way of putting it.”
He walked up a staircase and took a seat in one of the many chairs that had long been neglected. “I assume you have been practicing your powers, correct? I noticed you had a bit more control than the last time we met.”
“Yeppers, I’ve bin practicin’ lots!” Misha replied, grinning. “Rakka-chan’s helpin’ mes, too. I’ve gotta train ta be a good angel, if I’m gonna pass my examies!”
“Exams?” Sparda asked. Though he recalled reading about them, he did not believe an angel had to actually take a test. “I see. Well, do you know what will be on your test?” Misha nodded.
“Yup. All kindsa things, like what happiness is.” She smiled. “It’s kinda hard, but if I tryies, I knows I can do it!”
“I see. Well, what is happiness?” Sparda inquired. When he thought about it to himself what he believed happiness was, it was painfully clear: happiness, for him, was to be with Eva.
“Ummm...” Misha thought for a moment, and eventually, was stumped. “I don’t...know...su? I guess happiness is diffy-wiffrent for everybodies.” She paused for a while as she stared at the ground, before looking back up at Sparda suddenly. “...Say, what makes you happy-whappy, Sparda-san?”
“My family,” Sparda replied, remembering the day his sons were born; few things scared Sparda, but Eva during labor was one of those things. The memory always brought a smile to his face. “That is what happiness means to me, being with my family. How about you, Misha?”
“Teehee! Happiness for mes is makin’ sure everyone is happy-whappies, su!” Misha exclaimed, beaming at Sparda. “Of course, nothin’ would make me happier in th’ worldy-world ta be accepted as a certified angel-whangel. Then I’d be able ta help everybodies an’ make sure everyone was happy an’ safe.”
Sparda nodded, and began towards the library’s exit. “Making everyone happy is a difficult task. Some might say it is even impossible, though trust me, Misha, nothing is impossible. If spreading happiness is truly your goal, then you will have to fight for it and it may very well be a horribly difficult fight, but it is not impossible.”
Misha followed him (unaware that her wings were, rather unfortunately, still showing, though there didn’t seem to be many people out to see them), listening to his words, and grinned brightly when he finished. “Yeppers, su!”
“If, at all possible, once you become an angel I would like you to put in a good word for me. I am not yet sure if I would be allowed in Heaven, due to what I am,” Sparda asked meekly. He had no real desire to spend eternal life in fluffy clouds with little fairies flying around (what he was told what Heaven was like to a demon). He only wanted to be with his wife.
Misha blinked, eventually settling on the topic. “Teehee! I’d be happy ta help yas out any way I can, su!” she said. “You...you want ta be with your wifies, don’t yas, Sparda-san?” she added, smiling in an almost sympathetic manner at him.
“Yes. I miss her, and would do anything to see her again, even go to Heaven.” Sparda didn’t realize how disgusted he sounded at the mention of Heaven, but when he did catch onto it, he looked very apologetic, and added, “I would do anything for her.”
“Whelpers, I’m only 100% positives, but demons can go ta Heaven,” Misha said, grinning. “I betcha they’ll let yas in.”
“Really?” Sparda exclaimed, clearly excited by what he had just heard. “I...I had no idea, Mundus would always inform us that we were damned souls, that there was no place for us. It would seem that it was a lie.”
“Who’s Mundy-Wundus, su?” Misha asked, tilting her head slightly. It sounded familiar, though she couldn’t quite recall who it was. Someone important, though...
Sparda laughed, and replied, “Mundus is the current emperor of Hell, appointed by Lucifer.” He smiled a very, very vain smile. “He was, of course, slain by me. They may ask you that on your angel quiz, so it’s very important that you remember that.”
So that’s where I remember dat namey-wame, su, Misha thought to herself. Sparda had spent much of Ancient History class going on about his triumph over the Lord of Hell, and Mundus’s name had cropped up quite frequently.
“Okie-dokies, I’ll make surey-wure I remember!” she assured him with a smile. Though... If he killed th’ lord of Hell, then dey must not likies him very much, su.
“Good, because that is a very important event in history.” Sparda nodded, feeling rather satisfied with himself. Honestly, there’s no way she could pass if she doesn’t know that he slayed the demon lord.
Misha had nothing to say, remaining quiet as she walked on, pondering.
“You know, they used ta tell us up in th’ Heavens dat demons were all weally bad, but you aren’t, su,” she said, breaking the silence and looking at Sparda. “I wonder...am I good angel-whangel, su?”
“Well, you told me that an angel’s job was to make people happy, to brighten up their lives. For me, you have done just that, I’m very happy when you are around and I find that your happy outlook on life is contagious. So yes, Misha, you are a good angel...whangel.” Sparda smiled and began towards Devil May Cry.