Who: Priscilla Caerleon (
alwaysmyheart) & Kairi Aikawa (
Where: Anywhere in the the inner city xD
When: Sunday, July 23rd, Afternoon.
Summary: Priscilla is shown the city by Kairi. And say, runs into a few people.
Notes: Private event between the two, or something. But say, anyone who knows Priscilla she could run into xD or she could run into people Kairi knows xD anyway, just comment if you fit them xD
Priscilla stood outside the block of flats which she recided in, and looked up and down the quiet street for someone. She was waiting for a girl she knew by Kairi; she had declared she could show her around, since Priscilla was a new 'run away' of sorts and knew nothing of this city.
She peeked around the corners again, to see if anyone was coming her way. Alas, no. She sighed and clutched the book she was holding tighter.