Had a nice day today. Dropped by the bookstore with Ran and picked up the newest book in a series I really like. Perhaps I'll find some time this month to be able to read it. Also did a little grocery shopping as house has been abandoned for nearly a year now practically
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Yes, but you are her friend, you get to listen to her chatter. All I cared about was chibi-chan, certainly not the fifty little problems she seem to think I would want to know. However, in the future if you would do me the kindness of giving me some way of contacting you when you run off on your cases, I shall be more than glad to interrupt you so you may run interference with her while I check on chibi-chan.
Do not just take my suggestion in mind, do so. Your work load was there before you came back, I am sure it can be put aside for a day. I can point out the comments I made to chibi-chan about needing to relax if you feel it is necessary to drive yourself into the ground.
Well, that's what you get for disguising as me. Ran's determined. And I don't intend to "run off" on any other cases, at least for a while. That one was quite enough for me. But I'll take your suggestion in mind and give you my cell number, just for you.
But it piled up because I was gone. Everyone who has any sort of job knows they have to do make-up work if they miss a few days....and I missed quite a bit more than that. But tomorrow night....yes. Tomorrow night I'll relax.
I would not have minded as much if I had managed to find out some information about chibi-chan's condition. Although, she did tell me quite a bit about what chibi-chan's life with her was like so I suppose it was not all a waste. But thank you, I would appreciate the number. I take it you have entirely finished working on that one case?
Good, I am glad to hear it. I know tomorrow night I am going to spend it doing something I enjoy as after this week, I think I need some relaxation myself.
Well, that particular case had to deal with a scientist attempting to develop biological and chemical warfare, so the children had to be quarantined and checked over, and they didn't want any of those details leaking to the media. Oh, did she? It must have been interesting to you. I'll give you the number when we have an occasion to meet. And yes, I managed to finish that case. It was.....a very large one.
Indeed. Ice cream always works wonders, you know. Perhaps you should have some.
Yes, so I found out afterward from chibi-chan. He really did a wonderful job on that case. I still do not like not knowing, even if I understand why. I am just glad they allowed him a laptop so I could find out he was all right. Well, other than getting shot. She did and it was quite enlightening. She also told me some about you, but not as much since she thought I was you. I am glad to hear that that one case is finished, chibi-chan told me a little about it one evening and it sounded difficult.
Actually, I think that emerald necklace coming to town will be sufficient but I will consider the ice cream idea.
It was a very difficult one, yes. One of his more daring. You would have found out he was all right, eventually. You're not very patient when it comes to those you care about, are you? And it's not that bad, getting shot. Hmmm. What did she say about me? ...And yes. It was....a very major case. Quite a lot depended on it, and the case itself went very deep. If I never have to solve another one like that again, I'll be happy.
Hmmmmmn. Indeed, I hope you do.
No, not at all. People can die or disappear too easily that I want as much of a chance to stop it as possible. Oh, do not tell me it is not bad getting shot at. It may not be bad for you, but it is not much fun for those of us who watch over you detectives. About you? Oh, nothing that much. She called you obsessed, inconsiderate, and conceited. She told me that chibi-chan wanted to be just like you when he grew up and that she thought it was very sweet of you to show up to check on him, although I think that was more directed at me pretending to be you. She also said a few other things, talking about some of your past cases that I had no idea about and thanking me for some present you must have given her. I must admit, it was rather amusing now that I think about it. ...Well, at least it is over now and you can hopefully go back to your normal life instead of running off and doing whatever was you were doing to solve the case.
I probably will at some point, ice cream is one of my favorite snacks.
True. It is entirely too easy to make soemone just disappear without a trace and no suspicions. Well, I wouldn't know, being one of said detectives. Ah. I see. Her usual rant about me then. I am not conceited! Well, you put yourself it in by disguising as me. ...Yes. It's over. That feels so good to say. it's finally over.
I figured you to be an ice cream person.
Too easy... and then, all you're left is memories and might have beens. Trust me, I know from experience. How you detectives survive to adulthood is one of those mysteries that will forever puzzle me. That is her usual rant about you? That was not something special because she was worried and wanted to take it out on someone? Well, I would not say you are. While you seem to be extremely confident in your ability to deduce things, which is only natural considering you are an extremely intelligent detective; I am not certain you have much confidence in many other areas. I wanted to find out how chibi-chan was doing and it was not like I could have just asked them as myself. I figured if there was any civilian who had a chance it would be you. But I will know for next time, just get you to sneak in for me and find out the information I need. ... That is wonderful to hear.
Isn't everyone?
And even those fade with time and you're left with nothing. ....I'd say I'm lucky, but seeing how my luck tends to be spectacularily bad, I'm more thinking the fates must really like me. Actually, it usually has more adjectives attached to it, like "mystery-geek" and "arrogant git", although if I really ticked her off it's usually more colorful ones. It was a tame rant in comparison to normal, it shows she was worried. She's not as bad when she's worried. I know....why can't anyone see that? Just because I take pride in and don't deny my detective skills doesn't mean I'm conceited and arrogant. I try my hardest not to be either of those things, but I still get labelled as such. My name does not grant you all access to anything to do with a crime scene, unfortunately. Unless the inspector or police officer in charge knows me already. Some dislike letting such a young detective take over the scene. Your Inspector Nakamori is a prime example of that. I may be able to influence anything Inspector Megure is involved with, but with others....
Not neccesarily. Though it is good, ice cream isn't neccesarily my favorite.
Yes, exactly. Which is why I do not care to lose anyone else that I love if I can at all help it. ...Perhaps they just like watching you get yourself in odd situations. Like a permanent, living, afternoon soap opera for them. But they cannot allow you to come to any permanent harm because then what would they watch? Not to be rude, although I suspect it will sound that way, but how do you put up with her? If I dealt with her on a light day, I cannot imagine how frustrating it must be to deal with her on a regular basis. Although it does explain a few things... if these are the type of people you and chibi-chan are hanging around, it is no wonder neither of you have much confidence in yourself. People never like anyone who can be construed as better than them so they often try to find some fault in them. It allows them to feel better about themselves if they have dragged someone else they perceived as superior to a lower level. So, you are just a victim of society's inability to allow anyone to be unique. Stop worrying about what anyone else thinks and be proud of what you can do. Perhaps, but you must admit Kudo Shinichi would get a lot farther than Kaitou Kid, especially with Inspector Nakamori.
Oh, it's not? Then what are your favorite snacks?
Losing someone always looks so painful...I would not know what I do if someone close to me disappeared or was murdered, and I don't want to know. So I try my best to protect everyone, so it doesn't happen. ...Who knows. When I die, I'm going to have a little talk with them about that. She's not frustrating! Or....or maybe I'm just used to it. We've been best friends since first grade, after all. It's not so bad. Ran has nothing to do with my self-esteem! ....She just doesn't liek it when I babble about my interests, is all. She's surrounded by mysteries and detectives enough as it is, she doesn't need me adding to it. I am proud of what I do! Just....they don't like seeing it when I am. And I don't want to anger anyone, they just call me even more inconsiderate if I do... Maybe. But Inspector Nakamori is also inclined to take your words more seriously. I'm just a meddling kid to him.
Ummm......lots of strawberry things, like Pocky and that one hard candy and strawberry ice cream and things like that. I'm not overly fond of sweets, or rather more Japanese ones. America has some excellent strawberry sweets. I guess I just like foreign food a lot more.
Losing someone is rather painful, I personally do not recommend the sensation. But you learn to move on, even if it hurts, and find ways to keep them alive. ...That would be entertaining to watch. Well, as long as you are happy with your friendship with her, that is what matters. I just do not want to see you in a bad situation where spending time around her ends up making you feel worse about yourself. Although, how you can call yourselves friends when you cannot even talk about your own interests... do you just talk about what interests her? Well, just stop worrying about it. It is not your fault they are narrow minded and it seems you are doing the best you can to make them happy. If I actually got close enough to Inspector Nakamori to have a conversation, I somehow doubt he is going to sit still long enough to actual listen to me.
You and chibi-chan and your strawberry snacks. Although... I do have some left over strawberry candies I was planning on using to replenish chibi-chan's stock when he got low, would you care for them as I am still unable to locate him?
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