I get all my surveys from northern

Aug 26, 2003 14:39

Name Four Bad Habits You Have:
pulling on my hair
waving my arms around in a silly manner
forgetting to bring toothpicks to the table and therefore having to pick my teeth with my fingers in front of other people
spitting when I talk (how embarrassing is that!)

Name Four Things That You Wish You Had:
a new couch (red)
a new bed (waterbed preferably)
lots of money in the bank
a driver's license

Name Five Scents You Love:
bird-cherry (hägg)
mock orange (schersmin)
sun-warmed, healthy skin
the fur of my cat when she's clean, healthy and happy

Name Four People That Know You the Best:
soprano K
me (no particular order, here :)
tenor E
(surprisingly tricky question at this point in time.)

Name Four Things You'd Never Wear:
high spiky heels (hi, northern)
a tight top that ended halfway down my tummy
a power suit
fake lashes

Name Four Things You Are Thinking About Now:
In twenty minutes, I'd like to be done with this survey so I can go work out
I want to call seal today as well
By tomorrow, I should call stardr
I'm posting this publicly

Name Four Things That You Have Done Today:
had lunch with J
checked my email
put my workout clothes away from yesterday
made my bed

Name the Last Four Things You Have Bought:
lunch at Storken
hamburgers at McDonald's
juice and chocolate cake at Tea & Sympathy
and a few more hamburgers at McDonald's, I think.

Name Five Bands/Groups Most People Don't Know You Like:
Geez, I can hardly name five groups that I like!
*NSync (I don't think *most* people know I like *NSync... yet.)
Eminem (that always seems to surprise people)
Art Garfunkel
Mel C or whatever her initial is (Sporty Spice, only without the other Spice Girls)

Name Five Drinks You Regularly Drink:
... that's it, really...

Okay, all done! I can feel my body starting to gear up for the workout already. I am so conditioned. *s*
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