Title: Cat's Cradle
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Angst, Friendship
Pairing: Wally/Artemis, Batman/Catwoman, Conner/M'gann
Rating: PG-13 (for now)
Summary: To catch a villain, sometimes you need a villain…or at least a former one. When Batman’s death sends the League and the Team scrambling to find a temporary replacement for him, they find, to their chagrin, that the only person qualified for the job is his widow, a certain “reformed” burglar once known as Catwoman. Selina Kyle is not exactly the hero type, but amidst mutual distrust and hostility, she somehow finds herself entangled with the same Spandex & Cape crew that’d hunted her for years…and playing teacher/shrink/babysitter to Team “We’re Not Sidekicks.”
And somehow, they end up learning more from her and her often questionable ways than anyone had predicted was possible.
'Oh,' said Selina, unable to stop one eyebrow from arching up in disbelief. 'Aren’t I a little too…how should I put this…in-justice-y for your tastes? I mean, I’m no superhero. I don’t do Spandex, capes, or rescuing.'