Mar 28, 2007 10:48
At home facial from some NY big wig doc courtesy of DailyCandy.
Grandma Gogg's Strawberry Lemon Peel
1 buff puff
6 wild strawberries (or other grainy fruit such as kiwi)
1 liter sparkling water
1 6 oz. serving of plain, natural yogurt
¼ of a lemon
Stand in a sunny window for 30 seconds to warm the skin. Gently crush strawberries onto buff puff and, after testing on a small area of your arm, massage into the face for 30 seconds (microdermabrasion). Rinse liberally with sparkling water. Mix the yogurt and lemon juice and slap a thick layer onto face for five minutes (fruit acid peel). Rinse with warm tap water and apply a gentle moisturizer.