Oct 15, 2004 20:15
Personal Statement: A little essay required to be written to get into college. Wait, no, let me start over....An annoying little group of three essays required to be written VERY VERY WELL to get into any respectible college. The questions are designed to make you discover that you basically have nothing to offer the college nor are you unique. This is no normal essay. You are given 200 words for two essays and 600 for the "big one" which is jack shit when you think about what you have to say. These word limits are specially formulated to give you just enough space to suggest your ideas, but not enough to be anywhere nere thourogh. So it is guarenteed that you WILL end up with a half baked essay, no matter what.
This is just my own opinion. I'm sure there are people who have written really great essays even with these rediculious guidelines. Oh and sorry for the ranting and complaining lately. I swear, after Nov.30 the entries will be HAPPY!