'KANGAROO (n.) 1770, used by Capt. Cook and botanist Joseph Banks, supposedly an aboriginal word from northeast Queensland, Australia, often SAID TO BE UNKNOWN NOW IN ANY NATIVE LANGUAGE' http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=kangaroo
A kangaroo is a marsupial animal, characterized by very strong hinder legs, wielding them like a crowbar, and a "stiff" tail - like a lever:
This is a hint inviting to look into the following semantic field (with words meaning 'leg, foot'), in order to find out the etymology of name kangaroo itself (given the fact that all languages worldwide contain the same basic lexis):
[ingka] (Arrernte language, Central Australia) - leg, foot; [kingmik] (Inuit) - heel; [kanaaq] (Inuit) - lower part of leg: source - http://paabo.ca/uirala/contents.html ; hanka (Burushaski, the language of the ethnic isolate group of Burishians living in the mountainous regions of Hunza and Nagar in the north of Kashmir) - leg, foot; shank (Eng.) - a shin, a rod, leg, stalk (SIC per British etymologists, shin is allegedly from a hypothetic "proto-I.E." verb *skei- 'to cut, to split'); cẳng (Viet.) - forearm, foot; chân (Viet.) - leg, foot; ขา [K̄hā] (Thai) - leg, foot, limb; แขน [K̄hæn] (Thai) - arm, limb; ข้าง [K̄ĥāng] (Thai) - hand; 长 [cháng] (Chin.) - long; chanka (Kechua), chang (Araucanian language of Mapuche Indians in Argentina) - leg, foot.
This semantic field included also: chunk (Eng.) - a short thick piece, log, block; a thick end; känkky (Fin.), känkür (Karel.) - a ridge, stump; kang, gen. kangi (Est.), kanki (Fin.), kangi (Izhorian, Karel., Chudi), kanģ (Vepsian) - a lever, crowbar, bar, ingot; kang- (Est.) - adj. (of) lever; kanguta(ma) (Est.), kangeta (Fin.) - screw out, screw in (using the lever), push out, pull out; kangur, gen. kangru (Est.), kankuri (Fin.) - weaver, who performs the specified manipulations with a spindle; Compare also to: kangaude (Chewa, South of Africa) - spider, cobweb.
kange (Est.), kanktõ (Livonian), kankõa (Votic), kankea (Fin.), kankia (Izhor.), kanged (Veps.) - ossified, hardened, solid, inflexible; strong, tight, stiff, stubborn; kangestu(ma) (Est.), kaŋkstomo(ms) (Erzia) - to ossify, to harden, to stiffen; киӈкэ [kingke] (Orochi language in the Far East) - hardened, strong; a stone; แข็ง [k̄hæ̆ng] (Thai) - hardened, strong, still; Comp. kana (Etruscan) - a statue; Comp. kanaga - a wooden idol, symbol of Dogonians (Mali, Western Africa): https://anti-fasmer.livejournal.com/179240.html ; Comp. hane (Tungusic) - an idol; Comp. खांग [khaang] (Hindi) - a fang; Comp. 堅果 [kenka] (Jap.), 견과 [gyeongwa] (Korean), жаңгак [zhangak] (Kyrgyz), жаңғақ [zhanghakh](Kazakh) - a nut; Comp. գանգը [qanqe] (Armenian) - a skull, a cranium. (thus, any bone, ossified limb can exist with this stem - both a leg, a foot - and a skull); Comp. cancro (Ital.), cancer (Lat., Eng.) - both an arthropod with carapace, and a tumor - which, according to mainstream etymologists, is allegedly from καρκίνος [karkinos] (Gr.), with the same meaning, without explanation of the phonetic transition, and with a further reference to a hypothetic 'PIE' *kar ('hard'): https://www.etymonline.com/word/cancer ; Comp. cancrena (It.), gangrene (Eng.), gangraena (Lat.) - a tumor - allegedly from Greek with a literal meaning of 'that which eats away' - https://www.etymonline.com/word/gangrene ; Comp. concrete (Eng.), concretus (Lat.) - condensed, hard, frozen, clotted - per mainstream etymologists, allegedly from Latin 'con + concrescere' ('grow together'): https://www.etymonline.com/word/concrete . Obviously these are three variations of same word, but with three completely different 'Indo-European' etymologies established, and, of course, 'unrelated' to any non-'I.E.' tongues.
känk, känkar (Est.), känkkü (Izhora) - a lump; kǖnka, kȭnka (Livon.), kenkku (Fin.), küngas, gen. künka, kink, gen. kingu - geor. a hill, hillock; künkerä (Izhora) - a bump, hillock.
Compare also with the geographical names of stretching peninsulas: Hanko, Hankoniemi, Hangö udd, Га́нгут, Ха́нко - the Suomi most South-Western point; Cancun - the Mexican most Eastern point at the peninsula of Yucatan - which so far the scholars only translate as the 'nest of snakes' or the 'thone of Snake': https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canc%C3%BAn .
Compare to Schanze (Ger.) - a military earthen rampart (as, e.g., in name Nyen, Nyenschantz - a fortress with many centuries of history, located at the cape where Ohta river flows into the Neva, destroyed by Peter I in 1703; nien being nīn (Livonian) - a fortress; nina (Est.), nanā (Livon.), nenä (Votic, Fin., Izhor., Karel.), ńeńä (Chudi), ńena (Veps.), njunni (Saami) - a nose, tip, end, cape).
кон [kon] (Church Slavic) - a beginning; конец [konets] (Rus., Bulg.), кiнець [kinets] (Ukr.), конац [konac] (Serbo-Croatian), konǝc (Sloven.), kоniес (Slovak, Pol.), коньць [kon'ts'] (Church Slavic) - an end.
küünis, küüs, gen. küüne, part. küün (Est.), kīņtš (Livon.), kynsi (Fin.), tšüüsi (Votic), küns (Izhora), künzi (Karel.), küńďž́ (Ludic.), künź (Veps.), kŏš (Khanty), kwons (Mansi), koza (Enets) - a claw, nail, tooth; kenže (Erzia), keńžä (Moksha), küč́ (Mari), giži̮ (Udmurt), gi̮ž (Komi), гыж [gyzh] (Ingush language in Caucasus), gazza (Saami) - a claw, nail, tooth; hoof; derivations: family names Kinch, Kinchev, Кинч, Кинчев; McKinsey (son of Kinsey) - for the latter, the British etymologists have deduced an awkward hypothetical connection with the Celtic cyne 'royal' + sige 'victory'; kinžа (Karel.), кинжа [kinzha] (Rus. Olonets and Arkhangelsk dialects), кийнжа [kiynzha] (Ingush) - a nail or wedge for fixing an ax; кинжал [kinzhal] (Rus.), χandžar, хаnǯär, kandžar, χindžal, χandžāl, хаndžаli (Azeri, Crimean Tatarian, Tatarian, Karach., Kalmyk., Georgian, etc.) - a dagger, a hooked knife; Compare to Islamic name Sanjar (with a meaning of 'the attacking', 'the penetrating', 'the sharp'); sangar, gen. sangari, part. sangarit (Est.), sankari (Fin.) - the hero, the warrior; [Spoiler (click to open)] N.B. The Estonian linguists confuse the traces, and write that the Est. sangar is a 'borrowing' from Finnish: http://eki.ee/dict/ety/index.cgi?Q=sangar&F=M&C06=et ; and the Finnish scholars (effectively, the Swedish scholars in Finland) state that the Finnish sankari is a 'borrowing' from ... the Swedish sanger - 'singer': https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/sankari . The singers, the bards (lauljad), of course, were the respected persons, yet, they only sang about the heroes - for example, about Ulysses (Fin., Est. uljas, ulja, uljaspäine - 'the daring, dashing, gallant, brave, valiant, heroic, courageous, fearless, confident'; Est. uljas meremees - 'the daring sailor') and his uljas mereretk - 'the daring sea voyage' - but they were not such heros themselves: https://new-etymology.livejournal.com/25788.html . further derivations: cancel (Eng.), cancellare (Ital.) - to delete, cross out, destroy; [Spoiler (click to open)]cancello (Ital.) - gate, exit; cancellus (late Latin) - latice, barrier in church and court (allegedly derivating from cancellare and cancello, and not vice versa); further derivation: cancellarius (late Latin) - secretary in church, court, sitting after the barrier; and in France, Britain and Germany - chancelier, cancelor, chancellor, Kanzler - are the secretaries of state, the keepers of royal seal.
kengyel (Hung.) - stirrup of a horse rider; kengü (Karel.) - shoe, shoes, horseshoe; king, gen. kinga (Est.), kǟnga (Livon.), kenkä (Fin.), kengä (Izhora, Chudi), kenǵ (Vepsian) - boot, shoe, shoes; känga, pl. kängor (Sw.) - boot, boots; конёк, pl. коньки [koniok, pl. kon'ki] (Rus.) - shoes for skating on the ice.
[huna] הונע (Hebrew) - to be movable; κινώ, κινούμαι [kinó, kinoúmai] (Gr.) - to move, move oneself (connected: кино, cinema); kone (Fin.) - any machine, any moving mechanism; kõnna, kõndi(ma), konda(ma) (Est.), kontata (Fin., Karel.), kontia (Izhor.) - to walk, to go, to wander; kõnni! (Est.) - go! walk! kõnd, kõnni (Est.) - going, walking; kõnnumaa (Est.) - far away unknown lands; конь [kon'] (Rus.) - a horse; гон, гонять, гнать, гнаться, канать [gon, goniat', gnat', gnatsia, kanat'] (Rus.) - a go, to go, to walk; [(n)ga-, (n)gen-] (Sumer.) - to go, to move; go, gone (Eng.); begin, began, begone (Eng.), beginnen, begonnen (Ger.).
гIанд, г1ант [ghand, ghant] (Ingush, Chechen) - a leg, limb, pile, support; chair, throne; kand, gen. kanna, part. kanda (Est.), kūonda (Livon.), kanta (Fin., Votic), kanda (Karel., Izhora), kand (Chudi, Veps.), χɔnt (Khanty), χānta (Mansi) - a bone, a limb, a back of the calcaneus, aleg, a foot, a heel; χada (Nenets.), kәtu (Nganasan.) - nail, claw, tooth; k͔atә (секульп.), kåda (камас.), kada (матор.) - nail, claw, tooth; hoof; кентус [kentus] (Rus.) - knuckles of the middle and index fingers (the word is used exclusively among those who knock something with fingers); hand (Eng.), Hand (Ger.) - per British scholars, a word 'of uncertain origin': http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=hand .
kindel, kindla, kandev (Est.), tšiintiä (Votic), kiinteä (Fin.), kiintiä (Izhor.), kiińďei (Karel.), kińďed (Chudi), giddat, giddes (Saami) - firm, strong, resistant, steady; dense; reliable, safe, faithful; kinni(s) (Est.) - motionless, fixed; kinnis jää - strong ice; kinnis tõrv - fixed tar; [kin, gin] (Sumerian) - a stone; [gin + diri] (Sumerian) - 'stoned tears'; Comp. further to: gintaras (Lith.), jentar (Slavic) - amber; [qandi] (Arab.), qand (Pers.), қант [khant] (Kazakh) - sugar; from which there are such derivatives as 甘[Gān] (Chin.) - sweet; candy (Eng.) - a sweetie; connected to at least the verb [kattu] (Tamil) - "to harden, condense": http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=candy ; ki̮n (Udmurt, Komi) - frozen; кынты(ны) [kynty(ny)] (Udmurt) - to freeze; кынмы(ны) [kynmy(ny)] (Udmurt) - to get frozen; кынмен [kynmen] (Udmurt) - frozen; кынмон [kynmon] (Udmurt) - freezing (e.g., шуркынмон [shur kynmon] - november, literally, 'rivers freezing'); น้ำแข็ง [N̂ả k̄hæ̆ng] (Thai) - ice (literally, 'stiff, inflexible water'); кыӈдь [kyngd'] (Nivkh language in Sakhalin) - to freeze; къандал [khandal] (Ingush language in Caucasus) - icicle.
Ending -aroo in kangaroo - as well as -ar, -ari in Islamic name Sanjar ('the attacking', 'the penetrating', 'the sharp') and in Est., Fin. sangar, sangari, sankari ('the hero, the warrior') is a participle suffix which forms "a subject of action in present" - similarly to -ar (Eng.), -арь [ar'] (Rus.), -are (Sw.): https://anti-fasmer.livejournal.com/237293.html