EUROPA, etymology

Jul 17, 2021 09:51

"... Agenor, king of the Phoenician city of Sidon, had a beautiful daughter Europa, literally (in Greek) the "wide-eyed". In fact, of course, not Europe is named after some daughter of Agenor, but, vice versa. There is an opinion that this word comes from the ancient Semitic "erebus" "west", "evening", "country of sunset", and the Greek meaning is just a result of people's rethinking."
prof. L.S.Klein, Time of the Centaurs (Время Кентавров), St. Petersburg, Eurasia, 2010, p. 13.

Most likely, Европа, Europe (and the cited Semitic erebus, erev - Erebus being the side facing the evening/night also in Homeric texts) at the stem level are connected to ЯР, YAR - 'the edge, the coast' - and the following endless semantic field:

... ääre (Est.) - edge, edgy, coastal;
äärepea* (Est.) - cape, literally, the the "coastal end" / the "hill head, the edgehill";
Jura - the mythical coastal land, where the Bulgars brought harpoons for sale to hunt whales and other sea animals;
jūra, juura (Lithuanian, Latvian) - sea, sea depth;
явр, яври, jávr, jávri (Lappish) - lake;
yir (Komi) - whirlpool;
jero (Sudanese) - deep...


* [pa] (Sumerian) - head, end, tip;
paa (Swahili) - roof, top;
pea, pead (Est.), pää (Fin., Vod., Izhor.), piä (Karelian), pä (Veps.), pǟ (Livon.), pjä, bjä (Muromaa), pe, pja (Erzya, Moksh.), ßuj ​​(Mari), fej, fő (Hung.) - head.

geography, nostratic languages hypothesis is alive, names, english etymology beyond indo-europeism, parole italiane - etimologia estesa, finno-ugric myths, history

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