Oct 17, 2005 19:59
001) Do you have a cell phone? Yes
002) Do you like boots? I LOVE boots! In fact I just bought some new pink rain boots. They're fantastic.
003) Do you have a cat? No. I'm allergic.
004) Have you ever gone bungee jumping? Absolutely not.
005) Do you wear fake pearls? Occasionally.
006) Have you ever shoplifted? Once when I was four. I stole a piece of candy or something. My mom made me take it back and apologize.
007) Have you ever stole candy from a candy shop? Um...well yes as I just said in the previous question. But it wasn't from a candy shop, it was from a video store.
008) Do you live in an apartment? No. A dorm is close though.
009) Have you ever stayed up all night? Yes.
010) Do you like little kids? LOVE them!
011) Do you take pictures of people's toes? No...what kind of question is that?
012) True or false: you have a sister named Mackenzie: False.
013) Do you like to perform? Yes.
014) Have you ever been to Chicago? Yes, it's one of my favorite cities.
015) Does your mom know you have a myspace? Yes.
016) Does your mom HAVE a myspace? Oh no.
017) Have you ever cut yourself (on purpose)? No.
018) Are you famous in your own little world? Hell yes.
019) Have you ever met a celebrity? Not really.
020) Do you like Hilary Duff? Not particularly.
021) Do you like to take pictures of yourself? Not really. But I like having my picture taken.
022) Why are you taking this survey? I'm procrastinating.
023) Do you like oversized sunglasses? Yes.
024) Do you like Paris Hilton? I am Paris Hilton.
025) Do you play with bubbles? Yes.
026) Are you a ? No.
027) How many uncles do you have? Three.
028) What kind of computer do you have? Um...HP?
029) Are you supersticious? Not really,no.
030) Do you read the dictionary for fun? For fun, no. To increase my vocabulary, yes.
031) Do you shop at Hollister? Not really.
032) Have you ever worn fishnet tights? Yes.
033) Have you ever been called a loser? Yeah.
034) Do you have an iPod? Yes.
035) Are you a skater? No.
036) Do you think spelling "skater boy" like "S8er boi" is cool or weird? Stupidest thing I've ever seen. Just learn to spell correctly, lazy ers.
037) Do you like Britney Spears? Eh, she's kind of gross.
038) Have you ever had an eating disorder? No.
039) Have you ever been to Israel? No.
040) Do you like to wear polka dots? YES!
041) Do you and your friends like to hang out at diners? Not diners. Tea bars.
042) Do you steal sugar packets from restaurants? No.
043) Do you speak French? Not well.
044) Are you Jewish? No.
045) Are you/were you ever a Scout? Yeah, I was a Brownie for a few years.
046) Do you watch SNL? Yes.
047) Do you believe what you read in tabloids? No. That would be sad.
048) Are you a pyromaniac? When the mood strikes.
049) Do you have a fish? No.
050) Have you ever partied all night? Yes...haha.
051) Do you want to join the Navy? No.
052) Do you eat string cheese by peeling it or just biting it? Peeling it.
053) Do you like cranberry juice? Not really. I do like Cranapple juice though.
054) Do you want to be a ? Haha...no.
055) Do you play the French horn? I try. Actually no, not at all.
056) Do you call fries "French fries" or "Freedom fries" or something else? French Fries. Who actually uses Freedom Fries?
057) Do you like sparkly things? Of course.
058) What does your mousepad look like, if you have one? I don't have one.
059) Do you watch Family Guy? Sometimes.
060) Do you cheerlead? No.
062) Do you shop at Hot Topic? Not really.
063) Do you live in a city? Right now, yes.
064) Do you read Harry Potter? YES!
065) Are you athletic? Big NO on that one.
066) Do you like chocolate? Yes.
067) Have you ever lived in Kansas? No.
068) Do you have satellite TV? No.
069) Are you a dancer? I like to dance, but I wouldnt go as far as calling myself a "dancer".
070) Do you like Doritos? Yes.
071) Do you smoke? Nope. Gross. Have fun dying of the black lung if you do, you gross ass people.
072) Are you in a band? No.
073) Do you wear Bermuda shorts? No.
074) Do you work out at the Y? When I'm home.
075) Have you ever paid for something in all nickels? Not in all nickels, but in all coins.
076) Do you like strawberry ice cream? No.
077) Have you ever passed out? No.
078) How many bones have you ever broken? None. (Knock on wood)
079) Do you make prank calls? Sometimes.
080) Have you ever sent a lot of pizzas to an enemy so they'd have to pay for them? I haven't done it myself, but one time at a sleepover a bunch of s did it to this other . Actually I think that makes me guilty by association.
081) Do you have a digital camera? No. Wish I did.
082) Do you like shopping at Staples? Not really. I mean, its better than not shopping at all, but not ideal.
083) Have you ever cut class? Not since I've been at Gov. School.
084) Do you shop at abercrombie? No.
085) Have you ever shot spitballs when the teacher wasn't looking? No.
086) Have you ever kissed someone just to make your crush jealous? No.
087) Has anyone rejected you when you asked them out? Nope.
088) Have you ever had a friend tell a crush you liked them? Yes.
089) Do you ski? Nope.
090) Are your parents strict? Not particularly.
091) Do you play lacrosse? No.
092) Have you ever been evicted? No.
093) Have you ever gotten detention for something you didn't do? Haha, no.
094) Have you and your best friend ever liked the same person? Yes.
095) Have you ever gotten drunk? I wouldn't say I was drunk...
096) Do you have a crush on a celebrity? Um...what celebrity do I NOT have a crush on? There's Daniel Radcliffe, John Mayer, Elijah Wood, Jake Gyllenhal...
097) Have you ever gotten a haircut that everyone had and then the next day it was "uncool"? No.
098) Have you ever got caught in the undertow at the beach? Not that I can remember.
099) Do you like steak? Gross, no.
100) Was this quiz boring? It's better than doing my Scarlatti score analysis.