Feb 13, 2007 09:51
Yesterday, after work, I went to have a coffee with someone, but she decided to stay home to sleep instead (can you guess who that person is ?). So I decided to still go have a coffee with myself ! There, I worked a bit on my brother's E-Book marketing project to help him out. Took me only a couple minutes !
After the coffee, I went walking outside, in that big park downtown with a skate ring (I always forget the name, even tough I lived 2 street corner from it for 1 year 1/2). It was a magic sight ! I couldn't stop thinking it was so romantic, altough romantic with myself ... hehehe
Finally, since it was so cold outside and after 30 minutes I couldn't feel my toes anymore (I was wearing my business shoes after all), I decided to head for the movie theater. I did what I usually do in those situation, I went to the next movie on the schedule which was: The Pan's Labyrinth (which I wanted to see anyway ... The hand of Fate !) An amazing movie, but not quite what I expected !
I thought I was to see one of those cheesy fantasy, romantic movie, but it was in fact a really harsh movie ! The storyline takes place in a spain torn by WW2, with the hero of the movie beeing the daughter of a great facist general. So the little fairies you see in one scene are soon to be replaced by torture scenes, or the sight of an amputation with a saw ...
and then you go back to the little faeries ! The emotions carry so well, and the images are breath taking though !
The, the hand of Fate stroke again! While getting out of the theater, I crossed the path of my ex. She didn't see me, nor did her man, and I didn't do anything to get her attention either ! By the look she was having, man, I was happy not to be in her shoes ! The flowers probably were not a good idea afterall, but they were given in good faith, so ...
I finally got home, and spent the evening cooking and chatting with the roomate and a beer (ever said I have an amazing roomate ?) Overall, it was one of the best evening I had in a long time ! But on the other hand, I kinda got to bed late with all this stuff, and I really do need my coffee this morning.
Champagne !