
Apr 01, 2007 13:50

Everything that you could ever want to know about Kenneth (Well, okay, maybe not everything) is under the cut.

Player Information
Name: Sars
LJ Username: sarahgonecrazy
'Hogwarts is Home' House: Hufflepuff
Contact Info (AIM, MSN, email address): bluejeandame, sporkwisdom@msn.com, sartastic@gmail.com

Character Information
Name: Kenneth Agnew
LJ Username: new_agnew
House: Ravenclaw
Age/Year: 7th year
Birthdate: January 3rd

Bloodline: Pure
Heritage: English, though his mother has roots in Ireland.
Personal History:
Kenneth Preston Agnew was born into wealth, and has known nothing else his entire life.

Perhaps we should start at the beginning.

Reganold Agnew and Isabella Jonns were sweethearts all through school, both respected in their house, Ravenclaw, and both pureblood. They were the perfect match. Both were smart, rich, and snobby. Most of their classmates weren't fond of them, but that didn't matter. They had a few, select friends which suited both of them just fine. They dated from the end of their fourth year until they wed, a few days after each of them had completed school. Both sides of the family were extremely pleased with the joining of the two, considering each family was pure, and much more important, of the right standing, which of course means they were each in the mindset that they were superior to everyone else, and were proud purebloods. These ideals were passed down to both Reganold and Isabella.

Reganold soon landed a job in the ministry, with help from his father, and Isabella settled down into what she was breed for: being a respected, pureblood housewife. While Reganold moved up in the ministry, Isabella soon became pregnant. The pregnancy was smooth, not a glitch. Then, on an unusually warm January day, Kenneth Preston Agnew was born.

From the his first pair of baby booties to his first toy broom, everything that Kenneth came in contact was the very best that gold could buy. His room was beautifully done by a professional wizard designer. His crib top notch and his toys the very best. It was no surprise that his first word was 'mine'. He grew up learning from his parents, soaking in all they had to offer him, which included their beliefs on blood purity. Kenneth knew from an early age that he wasn't to play with the muggles that he encountered, nor was he to be second best to them. So, it was with this mindset that he grew up. He also learned that he was to be a perfect little gentleman. Rudeness was just simply unbecoming, and his mother wouldn't stand for it. So, his upbringing was normal for any pureblood, superior child. It was sheltered, privileged, and pampered.

Considering his upbringing, no one doubted that Kenneth would be accepted into Hogwarts. It was a given. So, on his eleventh birthday, Kenneth was given free reign. Instead of having some extravagant party, like his parents expected, he decided he'd much rather go to a quidditch match, which was exactly what he did. When he returned home, he found his mother in the kitchen, waiting on him and Reganold. She was holding a letter, and smiling at both of them. Kenneth didn't really get excited, as he knew what the letter was, and he knew it's contents. He'd known that he was going to Hogwarts all along, hadn't he?

Once it was confirmed (not that it needed to be) that the letter was, in fact, from Hogwarts, Reganold and Isabella sat Kenneth down, saying they had very important things to tell him. First they simply said how proud they were of him and wished him luck at Hogwarts. Then, his father simply told him that he was a Death Eater, feeling that Kenneth was now old enough to know. This didn't surprise him, as he'd always suspected it. However, it did make him feel some sort of importance that his father had confided in him.

Since his birthday is in January, Kenneth had to wait a few months before he could really get excited about going to Hogwarts. Sometime in July, however, it hit him that soon he would be going off to the school were he would learn even more of the skills that he would require in life. Of course, this also meant leaving the sheltered, pampered world in which he was used to, but he wasn't worried. He was a pureblood, he was handsome, and he was rich. What else was needed?

Upon arriving at Hogwarts, he was promptly sorted into Ravenclaw, just like both his parents. Slytherin was the only other option that he would accept, so he was pleased. His parents had told him that the other two houses were rather daft options. Both Reganold and Isabella were thrilled that Kenneth was following in their footsteps, and so, his first year began.

He soon found out that Hogwarts was not what he expected. Very few people cared that he was a pureblood, or that he was rich. In fact, all of the professors seemed like they could care less. However, this didn't get to him. He knew that they just weren't worth it. So, very early on he had a select crowd that he was close to, and those were the only ones he thought were worth his time, the ones his parents would approve of.

So, that year shaped the rest of his time at Hogwarts up until the current year. He spent his time with those people he found worthy, studying, and he even found time for a bit of quidditch, though it was on the back burner.

His fifth year, however, almost everything was put on the back burner, as he sat his O.W.L. exams. He did extremely well, which was to be expected. He was able to work hard and secure the Head Boy title his 7th year and is dating Lissianna finally.

Superior: Yes, Kenneth feels AND acts like he is superior to most people. He snubs his nose at the poor, the unpure, and the unintelligent. Of course, he doesn't usually show it openly. His mother taught him better manners than that. He would rather degrade someone in secret, small ways that add up.
Cold: Though he won't mock many people in public, he will give them the cold shoulder. So cold they get frostbite.
Honest: Yes, his mother taught him that lying is just wrong. He'll tell you the facts (as long as they suit him, that is) and will do it in the most humiliating way possible.
Smart: No other way to put it, the boy is smart. He studies hard, but he could still make good marks if he didn't.
Determined: If he wants something, he'll do his best to get it. Through practically any means.

However, he is kind and open to those he likes, which does include quite a few people.

Physical Description:
Kenneth has dirty blond hair and blue eyes. He's about 6'1" and 180, so somewhat normal for his age. He's got an athletic build and usually is dressed formally in his robes.
Preferred Body Model: Kellan Lutz
Future Body Model: N/A

If this is your first character: Please give us a sample RP, at least one paragraph in length.

Likes - at least 15:
quidditch, studying, worthy conversations, elitists, purebloods, being right, Lissianna, his family, reading, close friends, responsibility, taking charge, snogging, expensive things, respectability
Dislikes - at least 15:
stupidity, mudbloods, gobstones, chess, other wizarding games, cooking, not being the best, expressing his feelings, cleaning, being ignored, blood traitors, not having control, Gryffindors, Hufflepuffs, Dumbledore
Pet/Pet Name: None
Broom: Nimbus
Wand: 10" oak with unicorn hair

OWL and/or NEWT scores:
Transfiguration - E
Charms - E
Astronomy - O
Potions - O
Ancient Runes - O
Defence Against the Dark Arts - E

List of classes for current year:
Defense Against the Dark Arts
Ancient Runes

Alignment: Supports Voldemort and part of the FUKD.


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