Oct 07, 2004 13:57
Can Your Reach me
can you hear me cry for help
i want ot tell you something
but all i do is nothing
i cant look at you and feel the same
you have brought me to much pain
i felt i could trust you, what a lie
but when i ask you, all you do is denie
i thought i had gotten to the piont of never looking back
to get my things and pack
the pain is everything you brought back to me
i want to flee
its not an option.
we grow apart,
we were going to be friends and had a start
but all you did was mess it up
and i cant look at you. Dear God shut up!
you nag
you brag
but why do you disc me?
i did nothing to you
what did i do.
you were my friend,
but what happened to the end.
we were supose to have each others back,
and this is how you react.
"to hell with you and all your friends"
good bye for now until you come around,
and finally deside if we're cool
or if im still just pmsing and it doesnt
mean anything to you what i say.
just because you hurt me or i cry
im pmsing
i have actual emotions and if you were to look closely you
would see that
but your to busy with the little things
that you dont notice the big picture
i hate you all-
-this doesnt imply on anyone that is reading this