Jan 05, 2005 16:27
best friends. what does it mean? does it mean that the'll be there for you through thick and thin even though you mess up will they forgive you? when you cry do they see your tears? do they feel your pain? or are they just pretending to be there whenever your hurt. whenever they need something or whenever they're lonely. but when they're not any of those they don't want to call you. they don't want to talk to you. they don't want to see you. ever felt like you have no friends at all? yes you have so many friends but when that one particular friend doesn't seem to be there. don't you feel sad? sometimes i feel that i have given up so many things for my "friends" but then again they're not there. call me stupid but i know everyone goes through these things. why aren't my friends there for me? do they really care? will they notice i'm gone? why does it feel like they don't want to hang with you anymore? am i that annoying well whatever i know i have friends i just hope they're the right ones....
i feel like i have NO FRIENDS out justine
nothing new around da house no effin snow nothing...still crushing majorly <3