Dec 21, 2005 13:01
So I feel bad, I haven't wrote in this in so long. Seems as though everybody is ditching livejournal and going to myspace. So anyways, I'm home for the day and have nothing better to do so I thought I would do an update. I have a bunch of stuff I want to talk about and just elaborate on, but I just haven't had the time.
1. I cannot believe how quickly this year is going by. Tomorrow is our last day of school before Christmas break, and then when we come back from break it's January. This is crazy, and in January we have about two full weeks of school then mid-terms. (Speaking of Mid-terms my AP Euro midterm is 5 essays and I have never been so excited to write that many essays.) It just seems unreal that it's almost half way through the year, I hate school, but I just want it to slow down a little.
2. I have talked about this before, but this town is just so sad. I can't handle it, I want so much more than this. You drive around and see all this new construction and new buildings and sure it might be good, but all these businesses and companies are coming here because of Ft. Drum. Really, Watertown is just rundown. There is a lot of poverty and a lot of need and there just isn't enough giving. ( I am going to discuss this in my next point.) Our high school has the third highest drop out rate in the state, that is absolutely pathetic. And there was just an article in the newspaper about dirty dancing at school dances, and our school was the main school discussed. I just find it pathetic, our school has such a bad name. I talk to girls in my dance class and they hear such bad things about WHS, sure 90% of the students are disgusting and are just in school to say they made something out of their lives. But part of the school is good kids who try, who excel in school and sports and are just good kids. Although, nobody sees that, they just see the fighting and the drigs and all the other bad things. And with the dancing at dances, really most people are fine, you can't expect people to dance a foot apart, but there is a small group of people that take it to extremes and ruin it for everybody. Oh well..more to say on this but not now.
3. It's Christmas time and I don't think there is enough giving. The lady in the mall had her big red money collecter thing broken, and it's just rather pathetic. I think there should be more volunterring and giving, and I think that I need to do a lot more as well, because I have way to much. My parents always tell me that I have too many clothes and shoes and that I don't need anymore, that I'm already spoilded. I am spoiled and I have way too much, but I always want more clothes and shoes, not really anything else just clothes and shoes. I'm selfish and most likely materialistic as well. My mom always told me that I was materialistic and I never really listened to her, but I am materialistic, and it makes me upset to know that I am like that. Just because I have been given a lot doesn't mean I can take more, or need anymore.
4. I love my iPod and my new penguin case =). I have been using it a lot more lately, almost 24/7.
5. I am not doing very well in school, or at least not as well as I should be doing. I really think that this year will be one of my hardest years, this year and next year. I am not trying very hard and my grades prove that. I think they are all in the 90's, but low 90's and that isn't good enough for me or my parents, so I guess I need to start trying harder. But also, some of my grades will be better I just had a few bad test grades(English Act V test) and I don't know, I just need to get them back up.
6. Basically my friends mean the world to me, I don't know who or what I would be without them. Ashley truley is the best friend I could ever ask for. With the Holidays I have been appreciating them a lot more. And I feel as though I am getting closer to a lot of people, and it is really a good thing, but I am also drifting from some, which isn't good, but oh well. I don't know, I consider myself as having two best friends now, Ashley and Erin. Because Ashley is more like my sister than my friend I think. And Erin is more than just a good friend, so I don't know...I just love my friends, all of them, to death =). That's why I want these next few years to go by a little slower because things may not always be good, but these are some of the best times of our lives(cliche, I know) but they really are.
So anyway, I think that this is enough for now =).