Don't give up on me

Oct 15, 2005 23:04

So nothing has been going on. My life is rather boring. I talked to Ash for about an hour and a half. I miss her insane amounts. We just caught up on things and it was nice to just talk to her like before. Only it's weird, I have to refer to it as Watertown, and not just school. It's a bit strange. But oh well. It was nice just to talk to her, because it has been way too long.

So I really have nothing interesting to talk about, so I thought I would put a survey in here.

1. If you won the lottery, would you consider donating a percentage of the money?: Yeah, I would definitely donate some
2. Would you consider getting Botox injections to your armpits to decrease sweating?: No?
3. Do you wear a lot of corduroy?: No….
4. Does the weather have a very large impact on your moods?: It can
5. If you had a child, do you think your child would have any reason to be ashamed of you?: I would hope not
6. Do you buy eggnog around the holidays?: Yeah, but I don’t like Eggnog, we have it in our house though
7. Did you play cowboys and Indians when you were a small child?: Yup
8. Do you watch your neighbors from your windows?: I used to
9. Do you live within 5 miles of a lake?: Nah, well my cottage is on the lake, but it’s half an hour away from here
10. Do you believe that personality is everything?: Yeah, looks are nothing
11. When someone says they love you, do you naturally want to say it back, even if you don't mean it?: No, because I don’t believe in love
12. Do you have any real reason to be depressed?: I don’t know
13. Do you have more respect for the United Nations or the United States? I am really not sure; I have more respect for the UN in some cases and the US in others
14. Is it conceited to consider oneself unique?: No, definitely not
15. Would it fill your heart with joy to see other people crying for you?: No, I would hate that
16. Do you think the war in Iraq will end in 2005?: Nope, it’s 2005
17. Do you know anyone who has ever been held hostage?: No
18. If your teenage son impregnated a girl, would you force him to do whatever it took to support her?: Yup, he made her that way, if she is going to have to have that responsibility, he is too
19. Are angels creepy?: Now that I think about it, a little bit…
20. Do you think the New England accent is annoying?: What do you mean by New England?
21. Which print do you prefer: leopard or zebra?: Neither
22. Would you break up with someone if you thought they were too pompous and arrogant?: Yes
23. If you saw a hurt animal, would you try and help it?: No, probably not…

24. Do you think there will be another terrorist attack now that Bush is re-elected?: This quiz is old.
25. Should a license be required to have children?: I think that is one of the best ideas. I really do
26. When on an airplane, do you hope to meet someone interesting sitting near you?: No, I am way to shy
27. Do you come from a large family?: Not really large
28. Would you ever purposely let your country's flag touch the ground?: No
29. Is it difficult for you to decline a date from someone you are not interested in?: No…
30. Are people in online relationships just fooling themselves?: Yes
31. Does it bother you that Rhode Island isn't really an island?: No? I love Rhode Island
32. If Hillary Clinton were to leave her husband, would your opinion on her go up or down?: Up. But that is oldddd…
33. Do you ever run with scissors?: Haha yes
34. Have you done something illegal today?: Hmm, not that I can think of
35. Which is worse: Being labeled, or being a nobody?: Being a nobody
36. Do you think someone will ever try to assassinate Michael Moore?: No?
37. What song are you listening to at this very second? (If you aren't listening to anything, turn on the radio.): Photograph-Nickelback
38. Would you rather have a square or a round pizza?: Round! Square pizzas annoy me
39. Are you afraid of being famous for doing something stupid?: Nah, not really.
40. If the Pope has a liver transplant, is he still infallible?: I don’t know what infallible means. But the pope you are talking about has died.
41. Has the world really changed that much since 9/11?: Yes, I think it has
42. Do you think the diary of Anne Frank is genuine?: Yeah
43. If your best friend's partner was bisexual, would you approve?: Why should I care, love whomever you wish to love
44. If Satan walked up to you on the street and offered you BBQ Chicken, would you accept his gift?: This is a weird question, no
45. Would you say that your country is liked by the rest of the world?: Ha, no
46. Do you feel like the majority of the world is ignorant?: Yes
47. Do you help control anger by writing songs, poems, etc?: Yeah, I love to write. I stink at it, but I love it
48. Do you view bandanas as gang symbols?: Not really, depends on the color of them.
49. Do you need to "clean up your act"?: Nope
50. Do you have a celebrity crush?: Nobody that I can think of at the moment
51. Are you a good storyteller?: No
52. Are your computer speakers usually turned on?: Yes
53. Do you have a life dream that no one else knows about?: Probably
54. Do puppies melt your heart?: Not really
55. Do you think that someone who doesn't drink alcohol AT ALL is weird?: No, I have respect for them because they must have a lot of self-control.
56. Are you a racist scumbag?: Nope
57. If you try to fail, and succeed, which have you done?: Shown that you can’t fail when you try.
58. Do you think Americans are scared of change?: Yes, for the most part
59. Are Vegan diets healthy?: Not unless you take vitamins and supplements or whatever with your vegan diet.
60. Do you enjoy watching shows that deal with forensics?: Nope
61. At this rate, are you going to Heaven or Hell?: Who knows, I would like to think Heaven I can’t think of anything that would make me go to hell.
62. Could there be a terrorist attack in your area?: I guess…probably not though.
63. Do you worry about food safety?: Nope
64. Can bitchy behavior be self-justified?: Sometimes
65. Do you have over 100 people on your buddy list?: Yeah
66. Do you relax when you are around animals?: No
67. Would you like to be able to read thoughts?: In some cases yes, others no
68. In your opinion, is it wrong to say "Oh my God!"?: I say it all the time, so if I said it was wrong, I would be a hypocrite.
69. Do you like your strawberries dipped in chocolate or covered in sugar?: I don’t like chocolate, so sugar. Although one or two chocolate covered strawberries are bearable
70. Do you think any hip hop songs have good messages in them?: Nope
71. Do you feel sorry for Martha Stewart?: She got herself into it
72. Do certain swear words just roll of your tongue?: I don’t know
73. What hurts more, knife cuts or paper cuts?: Knife
74. When you hug someone, do you wrap your arms around their neck or their waist?: Depends
75. Do you use your mind enough?: Probably not
76. Would you rather own a parrot or a hen?: Neither, it would drive me crazy
77. Do you know anyone who has been diagnosed with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder?: Ehh, I don’t know…kinda
78. Do you have any idea what you will be doing 10 years from now?: No, not really
79. Do you pre-plan your meals?: Haha, I’m not that organized
80. Pet owners: If your pet was a human, would it be gay or straight?: What kind of question is that? And I don’t have a pet
81. Would you like to be cloned?: No, one of me is enough
82. Do you believe that your name fits your personality?: No
83. Were your parents born in the same decade?: Yes, same year about a month apart
84. Do you exercise before you eat in the morning?: Ha, no
85. Were you a proud owner of a snap bracelet?: Those things were you slap it and it goes around your wrist?! YES!
86. Is it better to be single or in a relationship?: Single
87. Do you think police officers have the right to use a stun gun on a 13-year old?: No, unless they have severe discipline problems or previous experiences with the police
88. Which is the better way to discipline a child: What? I think every parent/family is different.
89. Would you let your child spend the night at Michael Jackson's house?: Ha, no
90. Do you often forget what day it is?: All the time
91. Do your grandparents play bingo a lot?: Haha, they never play bingo
92. Do you own a copy of Thriller by Michael Jackson?: Nope
93. Do you prefer reading or writing?: I love both
94. Do you prefer hamsters or gerbils?: Don’t care, they are pretty much the same thing, to me anyway
95. Do you think animals have a religion?: No?
96. Are you a powerful person?: No, not really
97. Do you think marriage would change who you are?: Yes
98. Do you meddle in other peoples’ business?: Nah
99. Do you think the teenagers who take abstinence vows are probably the ones that weren’t going to have sex in the first place?: Hmm, sometimes
100. Are you ever attracted to your teachers?: No
101. Do you think your parents have always been faithful to each other?: They are divorced
102. Does the word "hello" seem formal to you?: Yeah, a little bit
103. Do you think that schools should be allowed to ban un-natural colored hair?: Haha, it would never work

104. Is it possible to love someone and hate them at the same time?: Yes
105. Do your eyes change colors from time to time?: Well, they haven’t recently, but they were blue when I was younger
106. When you sit really still, can you feel your pulse?: No
107. Does cursive handwriting serve any real purpose nowadays?: Nope
108. Have you ever had melted cheese on your fries?: Yes, dry hill
109. Have you ever encountered a rude person in a wheelchair?: Yeah
110. Are you often the last one to understand a joke?: Sometimes
111. Has your home been decorated by an interior designer?: No, but I think it’s going to be
112. Do you believe in reincarnation?: No
113. Do you think the government was involved in 9/11?: I don’t understand this question. Obviously they were involved. It was a huge terrorist attack; the government is going to be involved.
114. Would you ever kiss someone with no teeth?: Hmm, probably not
115. Do you wash your hair every day?: Yeah
116. If we keep making exceptions for homosexuals, do you think the next generation of homosexuals will be spoiled brats?: What?
117. Can experience be gained just by reading?: No, an idiot can read and gain nothing from it
118. Do you have any gay friends?: Nope, but I am not against gay people at all
119. Have you ever been to Stonehenge?: No
120. Do you consider darts to be a sport?: Sure!
121. Your first black eye: Did you give it or get it?: I have never had one, or given someone one
122. Is it always better to be safe than sorry?: Yes
123. Do you look more at someone’s mouth or eyes when they are talking to you?: Eyes
124. If you were around second-hand-smoke enough, would you be swayed to smoke yourself?: No
125. Do you think anyone can be an actor?: If they put enough practice in it
126. Okay, what song are you listening to now?: Better days
127. Do you talk just to hear yourself, even when you’re alone?: No
128. Do you think you’ll ever visit the Clinton Library?: Probably not
129. Do you emotionally hurt people on purpose?: No
130. Would you date a minister?: Why not?
131. On vacation, do you usually take more pictures of landscapes or buildings?: Landscapes
132. Do you think pit bulls should be illegal to own?: YES!
133. Are your parents willing to help you through college?: Ha, no not really
134. Is it obvious that one of your family members did drugs in the sixties?: Haha, no
135. Do you think people worry to much about being open-minded?: Yeah
136. Are you offended when you see a visitor in your country wearing a crest of their flag?: No
137. Would you rather master one language, or learn two languages and be average in them both?: Master one language
138. Do you think that Jesus was just a magician?: I don’t know
139. Should ‘freak dancing’ be banned from school dances?: Haha, it would never work
140. If Fox created a sitcom starring Jennifer Lopez, would you watch it?: No probably not
141. Girls: Do you care that when you cry, your mascara runs?: Nah, I almost never wear mascara anyway with my contacts
142. Guys: Do you get all soft when you see a girl crying?:
143. Do you think baseball is a dying professional sport in America?: No
144. Should America get rid of the electoral college?: No…
145. Can Lindsay Lohan really sing?: No
146. Are you more creative alone, or with others?: Alone
147. Does every family have a crazy uncle, or is it just mine?: My whole family is crazy
148. Do you like green bean casserole?: Sure
149. Have you ever smuggled anything in to America?: No
150. Do you like to play dominos?: No
151. Does playing the guitar make a guy more attractive?: Yes
152. Do brain teasers make you feel dumb?: If I get them wrong
153. Did you ever have an Easy Bake Oven?: YES!
154. Do you enjoy fishing?: No
156. Do you think the Egyptians could have used wind to build the Pyramids?: No?
157. Beef or pork?: Beef
158. Was this survey random enough for you?: Sure
159. Is this the longest random survey you’ve ever taken?: Who knows
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