I have nothing to talk about, so I am doing a survey =)
All About You
What is your name? Katie
When were you born? Watertown
Where do you live? Watertown
Are you male or female? Female
How tall are you? 5 foot 6 or 7ish
What color hair do you have? Dark Brown
Is it your real hair color? If not, what is? It’s natural
Do you have glasses/contacts? Yup, Contacts…
What color are your eyes? Green / Hazel
If you are a male ... do you have any facial hair? I’m a girl
What is your ethnic background? Scottish and Polish
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Nah
If so ... what is their name? Not Available
If you don't, do you have a crush? Not at the moment
Are you or have you ever been in love? Don’t believe in love
What is your religion? Presbyterian
Do you have any nicknames? Katie is a nickname, and then Kate, and Beth likes to call me random things
Do you play any sports? Yup, Field hockey and Softball =D
What are your hobbies? Sports and other stuff
McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds
chicken or beef: Chicken!
dogs or cats: Dogs
white chowder or red chowder: umm, white!
west coast or east coast: East coast
english or math: English
pants or shorts: Depends on the season
hoodies or sweatshirts: Hoodies
salty or sweet: Sweet
fluff or jelly: Jelly
summer or winter: Depends on my mood
hot dogs or hambugers: Hamburgers
football or baseball: Baseball
french fries or onion rings: Fries
contacts or glasses: Contacts
coffee or tea: Tea
soda or juice: Juice
skiing or swimming: Depends on the season
rings or bracelets: Bracelets
When is the last time you ...
Talked on the phone? Half hour ago
Laughed? School
Hugged someone? Who knows…
Kissed someone? No idea
Told someone you loved them and meant it? Never
Drove? Cottage, so a few weeks ago
Ate? 15 minutes ago
Danced? Umm earlier today?
Rode a rollercoaster? Long time ago
Went out to dinner? Don’t remember
Went to a concert? Never?
Swam in the ocean? A few years ago
Bought yourself something new? A week or two ago
Worked? Hmm, a week or so ago?
Played a board game? I don’t even remember
Went to a party? Hmm Caitlin and Erin’s at my cottage? Haha, but I am going to one tomorrow =)
Saw your best friend? Shut up…it was way too long ago, I miss her like crazyyy
Saw a shooting star? Caitlin and Erin’s party; beginning of August
Got nervous/happy butterflies? Don’t remember
Do You ...
Like to cook? Yeah
Have any piercings? Ears
How about tattoos? Nope
Do you drink? Nah
Smoke? No
Do drugs? Nope
Have cable/satellite television? Yeah
Go to school? Unfortunately
Actually like school? Haha no
Like to read? Yeah
Like to play video games? Sometimes! But I usually make Davey help me because I am bad at them!
Eat vegetables? Yeah
Eat seafood? Ehhh, kinda
Have the ability to curl your tongue? NO!
Like to shop? Duh!
Like to go to clubs? Nah…
Like to dress up? Nope
Do you or did you go to school dances? I hate them; my friends make me go ( I have wonderful friends =p)
Like your job (if you have one)? I guess…
Which one of your friends ...
Do you have the most memories with? Ash
Do you have the most in common with? Ash
Is the loudest? Sonne
Is the prettiest? All of them are pretty maybe in different ways, but they all are =)
Is the funniest? All of them
Do you trust the most while in the car? What?
Do you trust the least while in the car? I don’t understand this…
Do you tell the most secrets to? Ash and Molly
Has told you the most secrets? I don’t know, Megan Jackson maybe
Makes you nervous? Haha, I don’t know
Has the biggest wardrobe? Hmm, don’t know…
Has the nicest car? I don’t know…
Is always late? Linds and Molly
Is always happy? Caitlin, Linds, Krista, Sonne and more
Is the most hyper? A lot of them!
Has the worst taste in the opposite sex? Hahahaha no comment
Is the smartest? Beth or Brittany
Is the most photogenic? Everyone but me!
Has the best job? Most of my friends don’t have jobs
Quick thoughts to ponder
What came first, chicken or egg? Chicken
Is the glass half empty or half full? I used to think half empty, but now I am leaning more towards half full
Describe your perfect date: Who knows
Describe your ideal vacation spot: Somewhere warm
What are some qualities you'd like your significant other to have? Honesty, and that’s really the most important to me…
Describe your dream job: Something I love
Describe your dream ride: Something I can afford
If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be? I don’t really want to answer this
If you could speak to one person, dead or alive, who would it be? My uncle
If you could be anyone or anything in the world, what would it be? I don’t really want to answer this either
Why did you take this survey? I’m really bored and haven’t updated in forever