Mar 08, 2009 20:56
When you think of sports you immediately get the picture of actively participating in physical education. Sports involves activities like basketball or hockey, volleyball and more.....
Recently I have read an article saying chess and all those thinking games are equal to the sports we play. This new manner of thinking causes the definition of the word to change. In chess you do not use your arms or legs. You do not create lactic acid from using your muscles to much. Instead you use your brain to think and win from your opponent. There is a minimal amount of effort physically. The people won't force their physical capability to the max. Instead they will force their mental capacity to the max. They will think until their brains hurt and will use a lot of willpower to continue.
now that chess is a sport would it mean the Olympics will have them as well. Will we see people in a huge room sitting at a desk playing without seeing what they are wanting to do and the splender of their moves. Not all people understand what is happening, there are millions of moves people can use to trap their opponents but what amusement and joy is there, if the people can't follow the actions. In physical sports you can see what is happening and it seems very simple to understand. The rules are important but everybody knows that in principal you need to score as many points as possible and make the least amount of mistakes.
Personally, these think sports are less interesting than normal activities. In the normal sports you have the feeling of excitement, there is energy from everywhere. From the contestants, from the trainers and the public which watches. Thinking games are played more quietly and involve less cheering and energy. The contestants need to think not scream full of energy. You could say that if this happens at the Olympics a lot of people will either fall asleep or be bored to death because of the silence and lack of adrenaline. There is no real show and no real excitement. In other words there is no thrill.